Friday, February 03, 2012

short jaulah

i planned my short break a month b4 my pro exam 2..i said to myself, i ve to go out from malazi and have to breath in other's weather, no matter what ever i've to,this is my 2nd time to egypt alone, yup, a lot of people were surprised with my presence again in egypt for the 2nd also surprised with myself too~hehe

the reason behind it, let me keep it as my secret. so, i've spend a little money..even it's not much, i think it's enough for me to travel as a backpackers. as a student, am involve in a small business, jual brg sana sini,berniaga gitu~ hehe..bila pk2 balik,alhamdulillah, Allah ease my way to get what i want. but i've to 'bekerja' and usaha for the way,it's fun! i love berniaga=)

so,i brought few baju muslimah, long skirts and few stuff for girls from msia to this way i can get and spend some money. alhamdulillah, everything was sold, tq to wani's friends yg membeli belah from me.hihi..and am very glad..know what, doing this way, i distract myself from problems and make my brain to works even more..and sharpen my communication skills, and bertambah ramai kawan and i enjoyed myself very much!!!

at first, i planned to visit Jordan, Syria, Syam and country near to them. of course i've few friends there to help me in term of accommodation. but then, xdapat nak visit ke sana esp masjid al-aqsa due to the safety of the country itself and our safety,tgk balik peta dunia, Poland is quite nearer to egypt and i've my luvly Mira there, and i said to wani,,let's go to Poland!!

and total rm ive spend to the flight ticket is about rm3k ++  msia-egypt-poland-egypt-msia..quite cheap as wani bought from the travel agent in mansoura. kalo nak compare, beli online lg mahal kalo nak ke mesir..hurm,murah lg kalo gune agent dari mesir sendiri..pelik kan?

lot of interesting things i've experienced, meeting new people, very2 nice people..especially the Palestenian guy, Tamam..xdpt gi palestin, but meeting the palestenian pun alright ape..and the Oman's girl plus a Tunisia's guy..lot of stories..they speak arabic, araby as the one yg menyatukan mereka eventhough they came from various places..and wani do speak araby with them..lucky isn't it?me,am sorry..ana la' araby..heh~

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