Thursday, March 31, 2011

tq prof google!!

this one is the latest food i baked last 2 week..guna roti gardenia yg da nak expired..well,roti gardenia nye expired is 5 days after the actual date (my mak teh did the experiment on that kat  MINT dulu)..and it taste good =p
xtau pe nama food ni.any idea?atas bawah tu roti yg da rendam ngan susu, and tgh2 tu is daging burger yg da digoreng dgn rempah or so whatever bahan2 lain..

jom kite buat!

1.tumis bawang putih,bwg merah, serbuk kari,smpai naik bau,baru masukkan 500 gm daging cincang (baba beli je daging ramlee burger tu,senang).nak best,tambah la kentang ke,daun kari ke,whatever la nak bg sedap..
2. sementara tggu masak,amik 500 ml susu + 3 telur and sikit garam = pukul
3. masukkan 12-14 kpg roti and ramas and rendam bg kembang sikit,and half of the roti letak dlm pan..
4. pastu,letak je daging tadi..
5.and last skali,letak another half roti lembap td..
6. nak best,letak parutan keju atas tu...
7. masuk oven, agak2 da masak,kuakan..tara!!!!

nenek pun suka makan..sbb dia lembut..guna roti kan..and my family like it very much..

p/s : one of my way to distract from stress in baking..isnt it good?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

ptn psy II

S: salam pak cik...sihat?
P: wsalam...alhamdulillah,da makan sume da..
S: nama pak cik pe ye?
P: muhammad .................
S: umur brape ye?
P: owh,
S: erk (sambil pk nak tanye pe lg).ok,pak cik umur infiniti ni,dinasor lahir dulu ke pak cik lahir dulu?
P: eh,hehe..pak cik ni,Allah bg umur panjang..alhamdulillah..
S: ok la,kalo cmtu,nabi adam lahir dulu ke pak cik lahir dulu?
P: astaghfirullah...Allah itu major mind..pak ni minor mind je
S: ok pak cik,pak cik da kawen?bape anak?
P: da kawen da..ada 153,300 anak..
S: erk..(pening sudah)..rmi tu pak cik
P: alhamdulillah..Allah nak bg...
S: brape ramai istri pak cik?
P: pak cik ada 10 istri...anak ni (he's pointing to me),xleh jadi istri pak cik,da cukup quota..pak cik ikut ahli sunnah wajamaah..xleh kawen lebih 10

and after a few second,i went to another ptn n let my colleague cont.

S:student (intan,nalini,mimi,nazif,farid)

pak cik is having hallucination,dellusion : criteria for schipzohrenia

psy ptn = psychiatry patient

yesterday, one of my colleague present a ptn case history..

Mrs NMN, 40 years old malay lady,known case of schizophrenia for 6 yeras,married with 100 children, presented with abnormal behaviour at home while she was......................
to cut it short, she claimed that her 100 children was taking care by robocop in the US, and presiden US skrg bernama presiden Pluto..she was married with one husband, but then,the robocop take her ovum and masukkan dlm tabung uji,and produced lotsss of children kat US..(power kan ptn tu?)

when suddenly she saw a big car transform into octopus prime and jadik gagah perkasa..

i asked my friend,what's octopus prime?she laughed at me okay....

so now,im watching transformer 2, and smlm da tgk transformer 1..not bad..

Friday, March 25, 2011

destinasi cinta

well2,majlis maulidurrasul baru je selesai di kolej kami selasa hari tu.monday's night,there was a film for tontonan umum,sirah sjrh rasullah,which i didnt get enaugh energy to drive back to putra from hkl just to watch the movie where u can just download from tenet..
and on the 2nd day,it was a special talk from ust fatimah sharha (salah eja ni), after isyak,and i was kindda excited to hear ceramah2 ni..esp berkaitan expectation was totally wrong to this educated ust as the talk was realllllyyyyy inspiring, i mean,bukan crmah biasa..she had slide,video,songs,and what not..

little bit bout her..currently 27 y.o,married to a dr,ve one daughter 3 y.o,n i think she's pregnant as the belly quite kedepan eventhough she's wearing tudung  labuh..(stalk x tahan).y she's very educated?from kuzsa,she further studied to ukm in fiqh (oh,am sorry,dunno the panjang2 nama kos dia),degree,sambung to syria master, and balik msia,sambung phd at uia..currently lecturing at uia..huhu..perfect!

2 learning issue i get from her that tuesday night...

1. ada 3 peringkat cinta..cita teragung is absolutely to our creator,Allah sbt..the second peringkat is love to our parents,siblings,relatives,friends,houses,money and stuff yg milik kita totally..and paling bawah skali is cinta ke2 yg melebihi cinta pertama..get what i mean?
sirah: dimana abdullah yg berkahwin dgn atikah, disuruh oleh bapanya menceraikn atikah krn x ke masjid as usual to perform solah.dia melebihkan istri yg sah dr brjemaah di masjid..hukz..abdullah pun ikut arahan bapanya(abu bakar),and he took it as a pengajaran to dri sendiri..but then,after few moment, abu bakar kasihan melihat abdullah ni duk teringat rindu kat istri dia..tu yg rujuk semula..see?pengajaran kisah sahabat nabi,cinta kpd istri yg sah melebihi cinta kpd Allah..

2. if u wanna ur totally love (i mean,ur totally love from hubby or wife), u have to b patient as muslim (bg yg blom kawen la).the analogy brought by ust farha is very simple..just imagine u r fasting today..ada x org yg saje2 je letak mknn kat mulut dia,acah2 nak mkn?saje letak cawan kat bibir,gaya nak minum?hem,kalo terlajak,boleh je tertelan and batal puasa terus..if u can be patient,ignore those food,bila berbuka nanti,nikmat x rasanya usaha menahan diri sepanjang hari?nikmat kan?

so,pandai2 la pk,mls nak elaborate..hehe

it's late already..looking forward for tomorrow's activity...
owh psy posing...=p

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

cont psy

penah x pagi2 lagi,korang da kene marah?heh..mst rs geram and spoil the mood all the days kan?sbb tu sy nak calon yg x- hot-tempered mcm _ _ _ _ .sbb,sy x suka org marah2,org mengamuk x tentu pasal,da marah2 baru tahu hal sbnrnye..i dont like that..moga Allah perkenankan permintaan sy xnak org kuat marah berada bersama saya..amin2..fuh2

well,alkisahnya pasai marah ni,smlm sy kene marah ngn patient!!!haha

tepat kul 8am,kiteorg da ready nak clerk ptn kat jabatan saraf otak jln tuanku abl rahma@hkl la usual,skema je pg2 muka x sabar nak wat,masuk je ward male tu,pemandangan biasa.sorg tgh nyanyi gaya sheila on 7, sorg ngh beratur tuk mkn ubat smbil mata tertutp,oh my,he's soooo cute ok!beratur tutup mata,minum tutup mata,pas mkn ubat,duduk terus sambung tido dia.haha..comel la pak cik..maybe dia ada withrawal symptoms from the drugs kot..

so,my group carik la sorang ptn yg 'stabil' la..heh,pak cik ni,mata sepet sblah,sbb dia kata de peluru from the pistol tembak mata dia.ok,gaya ganaz..dia tgh in mood yg marah..rsnye dia bipolar in manic state.caught by police due to aggressive behavior to the family. dia mintak nak balik to the previous dr,sbb nak jmp anak2 time cuti skola ari tu.but then,i think the dr do not allowed him to take home leave bcz he's not stable yet. so,smpai ke hari smlm,dia masih 'berdendam' dgn dr2 sekalian..he saw me,like kitaorg baru je nak build rappor,he shouted at me!

'u nak jadik dr,jgn berlagak tau!u ingat u jadi dr,boleh screen org (smbil tgn dia wat gaya screen muka),and terus diagnose org gila ke?im not insane!i just want to see my child!'

oh my..i was like,kecut perut seh!!pagi2 da kene sound kan,mang terus senyap x ckap pe la..takot abess..this pak cik is quite educated, he can speaks in english well..he had this grandiosity, he thinks he's the boss in everywhere..even the pulapol ppl tunduk kat dia..he claimed he's a businessman, buat business kopi,baju uniform,had 120 workers,bungalow kat bukit,BMW 2 bijik,macam2 la kan..and when we look at his case note,he is unemployed..

huhu..tu je cte sal marah td..dia mmg muka bengis la..asyik marah2..tanye dia solat ke x,dia ckp,dia imam kat ward laki tu..sume org ikut ckp dia..well,nak kata bipolar pun boleh jgak..bipolar disorder with psychotic symptoms..bai2 pak cik,moga pak cik sempat sembuh,mkn ubat ikut time k!

and tell u what..we encounter an abnormal behavior from ptn of course,plg teruk is from the female ward!!auchhh!

my friend (H,male), and i clerk this MDD chinese female..with her friend bipolar at her side..after few minutes,they show their interest to H. ask him que if he's single and he admit that.well,1st time encounter ptn female kan..kitorg x tahu behaviour diaorg sgt 'auch'..after few minutes,kiteorg nak balik,they wanna shake hand with us..know what,they kiss H!!!hohoho..i was like,stunning,dunno what to do..they,i mean,2 female berebut nak salam and like nak peluk H.aaaaaaaaaa..i dunno what to do,and kddn jadik kecoh last,one of the female dapat la jgak kiss his neck,sbb H smpat berpaling from kiss at his cheek..ewww..weekkk

laiin hal plak dgn male ward..some of them ask my facebook add and no..and the funny part is when,there is one guy,drug-induce-psychosis ask my birthdate..i told him i was born in dec,16 and he did not want to believe it.bcs he was born  on nvember,he expect me to be the same nov like him??hehe.b4 we all bersurai,he said,ckp dgn org tu,x baik menipu org lain,berdosa..haha..i can't hide my laugh outside the ward okay..haha

well,tu la serba sedikit ttg psy posting kat hkl..ive told u!the ptn are super cool!!main fb,speak in english,grandiosity x tahan and stuff..this time around,male and female student have to back-up each other..kalau kat female ward,the guy have to admit they are married.lg best kalo ckp,the female student is her wife,membuatkan ptn segan sikit nak wat pape..and if kat male ward,u girls jgn la gi group,2 guys and 3 girls,just nice..and said u also married..haha...rasa best plak kene mengaku da kawen..heh

Monday, March 21, 2011

1st day psy HKL

and hello to everyone..hope all of u be in a great condition k!
well,am here, so and so la...gratefully the environment help me, i mean with the funny2 ptn,kerje yg melambak and cuak nak exam make me busy all the day..yuhuuu....

1st day in psy ward in hkl..der,still the old name,'bahagian kaji saraf'..hehe..classickan nama dia?blom tgk bangunan psy sendiri,mmg old skool la..gaya ward lama2 dulu..mmg feeling abes.cuak ttp ada,bangunan lama kott...the entrance pintu kaca  b4 masuk ward da kene roboh,dek psy ptn rempuh ramai2 sebelum ni.haha..agak ganas ye ptn kat sini..well,briefly here they have 3 wards for man and 1 ward for woman..

my frend said,most of the ptn are young man,good looking ptn..oh my..sila berhati2..tengtengteng

well,today my group encounter a drug-induce-psychosis ptn..53 y.o,peramah sungguh pak cik ni..but he has no insight.amik heroin since school,and kua masuk penjara and pusat serenti mcm biasa je..siap dia ckp,nape la kerajaan kite ni bodoh sgt bg methadone tx to drug addict,buat abes duit krjaan je.and lg best,dia bg sejarah kemasukan dadah kat tarikh tepat tu yg x disangka cik,pak cik.layan je la kan...

am tekankan lg skali,pls,kpd kawan2 skalian,jgn merokok ye...hukz..sayangi diri sndiri,and org tersayang..
p/s: psnn ikhlas dr diri sendiri..

well,my frend's lagi best. clerk a 35 y.o woman baru diceraikan rasanya,dpt schizophrenia.she said,the president of US now is presiden Pluto..and her husband ada kat US skg sedang menjaga anak2 mereka dlm tabung uji kaji..pergh,dahsat sungguh saraf2 mak cik ni..siap ckp,anak kat umah dia sedang dijaga oleh Robocop!!

agak lucu bila kite korek history from ptn.mcm2 cerita yg kita x pernah terpk..hehe..nak wat cane,Allah beri ujian kpd mereka mcm tu..tang kita,Allah bg bentuk lain kan?

and the best part is,i met my old fren from matrix,yg duk bilik depan dulu,aina nama dia..4th yr medical from upm..hehe..dia pun ngah posting psy kat hkl..sempat la peluk2 sakan tukar cte pape sume sgt kotttt dpt jmp kwn lama...naseb x lompat2 je,kalo x,ktorg da kene diagnos mende lain..hehe

k la till staying at my frend's house at bukit antarabangsa..cantek nye umah dia!!!!!oh my...really admire to own a big beautiful house like this =p

Saturday, March 19, 2011

mental illness

m&ms and mental it related?
no evidence base medicine, so i cant talk more...heh

but for me,yeah..for time being, m&ms taste bitter,no more sweetness from it. sepatutnya, m&ms will give u happiness,release from tense, bahagia and sort of.. chocolate kan?sape x suka coklat sila jgn baca..sbb sy suka choclate,and now,i have to @ must change my fav choc..will think about it..ingat senang ke nak tukar selera?mcm tukar baju?hoh...kalo my sis (one of my sis),mmg ssh tkar baju,sbb dia x tau nak match apa dgn apa..da siap pakai sume,leh tukar baju balik,sbb dia rs x sesuai la,last minute nye keje kan...itu dia la..nak wat cmne...

but me?hem,im simple..senang je nak pki pape,match in everything..but its not the same like u change ur fav 'choc'..

ok,done la dgn perkara merepek di atas..mereka x faham pun perasaan saya...kite turutkan saje ok?

talk about mental illness,psy posting yg sy sedang jalani skrg,hem,i think i would like to classify my self as a not major depression our practice, we would follow ICD 10 or DMV 4..and for managemnet, CPG msia is the one la..bcz i can still cope with my problem,insyaAllah,i will not classify myself eventhough in this one week time, my frens often asked me,why u look sad?why u r crying?y u dont want to join us in bla bal bla?y u look different?

there is a man,in the ward,baru je dimasukkan sbb MDD..major depressive disorder..tense dgn parent's problem,putus tunang lagi,stress from the ppl around him in the mass, and problem dgn kerja2 askar yg berat..(yeah,my ptn are ALL soldier,posting kat terendak kan),almost all ptn had the same thing,same problem..rmi x leh cope dgn kerja askar yg berat ditambah dgn personal,dsbbkan xleh cope ni,dpt la diagnosis MDD , or adjustment disorder ubtuk mmbantu para askar nih..hem,ptn ni agak unik..sbb,i think he likes my name..every day,he ll find me,call my name,dr Mimi!!oh my...he will ask the juniors or my frens around and ask about me..that's scary rite?since then, i xnaik ward lagi..takot derrr...luckily,next week,we are going to HKL and i bet psy ptn kat sana lagi menarik..haha

and ada lagi sorg ptn ni, MDD sbb tension dgn istri yg sblm ni nak mintak cerai dgn dia..sedih gle dgr cte abg askar ni..badan big size,tp hati dia,so small..he loves his wife soooo much,really!!!kalo la istri dia dpt tgk cmne dia cte kat kiteorg ni yg dia mmg syg gle kat wife dia tu,konpem istri dia malu wat kes diaorg naik mahkamah...

byk mende sy blaja from my patient kan?not only about psy, but also the real world out there..each ptn came with different stories, stories yg give u an idea on how to see ur life..

from them,i feel scared to see the 'marriage' part. marital problem is the most highest problem face by ppl..tortured ur mind,effect ur work,effect ur mood,feeling and marriage life,the most crucial part is between the 1st to 5th year of marriage..once u can hold ur spouse firmly between this period of time,insyaAllah, u can hold ur spouse for ever, exclude all the third party yg feel jealous with ur marriage or so whatever..

hem,whatever pun,pray for me ya.. hopefully i can face my life after this with bright and big heart..

Sunday, March 13, 2011

no need to read

2 are enough.
enough for me.
no more after this.

it's painful.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

bersangka baik

things didn't really come as expected..
things didn't really happen as we plan..

well, today, i feel sad..ya,am not going to tell it here bcz wah,so many readers ma!!i thought my blog will be read by me and person i know who will read my blog..nmpknye, those ppl i didnt wish to read, will read it..hem..

know what,i feel like the world didn't really be fair with me..not really the world, i mean,the can i say ya?

after a while ive been thinking,my conclusion is, 'ya hatiku,bersangka baiklah dengan Allah.kerna Allah da aturkan segalanya untukmu.even what im facing now is part of His plan.who am i to against Him?even,its hard..yeah,it's hard,painful,i ve no word to describe it anymore.i ve been crying,but for what?

Hidup adalah ujian membuat pilihan..

silent is better than it?

i just need my best friend.but she's too far away.i need u!!!

Sunday, March 06, 2011


psychiatry posting..

b4 i enter this posting, i was thinking of the scary part, the palpitation part, and all stuff make my anxious increases..dealing with patient with mental problem is not an easy task,i guess..

so,today,finishing my week2  of psy, and tomorrow is the beginning of week 3, was what i think b4 been change?

i force myself to like this posting..seriously..nmpak mcm mudah,dealing with patient,bla,bla,bla..
but do u know that,the history taking part is seriously-deviated-180 degree- different with other history taking ?
ergh!!!...yeah,u r rite,there's no physical examination needed, but u have a mental state examination which is 'ha-ha-ha'?

one patient took about half to one an hour to finish clerking..lama sungguh belum masuk bab diaorg cerita bab2 yg terpesong sana sini..well,week 2 aritu kat HAT, ive encounter about 3-4 ptn..depression, adjustment disorder, psyco,and schizo in the ward and clinic..all of them gimme a lot of stories..haha again..

this is one ptn, Ms M,45 yo,housewife,came to get depo injection,get depo injection for nearly 7 years..defaulted ptn..nak kene babap ptn,b4 injection,i interview her..bla,bla,bla,later on,i feel like im a sort of kaunselor-rumahtangga..

she told me about her husband yg x 'sygkan' dia,about her children whom she treat like a baby eventhough they are 17 yo,15 yo, and 11 yo, about her first love who still keep on mssging her, encourage her to pray and she love it,about everything...huhu...what i do?layan je la cite mak cik ni..and tokok tambah pape yg patut..psycho ptn mmg cmni roman nye..

2nd ptn,in the ward, 30 yo,single male,soldier,gimme different stories plak..kisah nenek kebayan yg bawa dia kua dr kem askar kat JB terus ke puteri gunung ledang waterfall..okay,abaikan kisah nenek kebayan.but if u think logically,how he reached the waterfall, yg jauh 3 jam pjlnn, terlepas dr kem askar yg surely dikawal ketat stp masa?dua kali plak tu terlepas..maybe nenek kbyan tu bw kpl ufo pstu terbang kan dia..hehe..and he said,sy takut nak jmp nenek tu lagi,takut dia bawa saya gi sabah sarawak plak!!adoi..i dunno whether i wanna laugh,or do my poker face..
but towards the end,we know he had adjustment disorder,mang dia ske bersendirian,asocialize and stuff..

3rd ptn,in the clinic, abg rock,30 yo,single male,soldier agak payah..hekz..badan tough bukan kemain,drug addict after secondary school,but stop after 4 years, and b4 join the,in the army training, he had withdrawal symptoms,diagnosis:substance misuse..apart from his 'gila2' story, he said he was lucky coz da baik dari kanser peparu tanpa makan ubat!!siap btau dr,sy x nak mkn ubat,sy ada cara sendiri nak baikkan diri..tgk case note,no history of admission in the medical ward, no history of lung problem...rockz la brader kite ni..

well,ni cerita from HAT hspital,terendak...tomorrow will see another ptn lagi,hope to hear another story lagi..hehe..week 5, will go to HKL plak..lg menarikz rasanya,insyaAllah..k la,till here!!