Saturday, May 11, 2013


i told mrF whenever i have to go in OT (operation thethre) either for emergency op or elective cases, i never like it because i ve to bear with the super sejuk room.  me dislike cold.

as a solution, he give me a sweater.last week. during our buaka puasa night.

the sweater is his own.

rasa mcm comel plak dia bg sweter for me and ask me to wear it in the OT.


rasa comel plak mrF nih..

Sunday, May 05, 2013



after few month of decision,and a good hint from Allah sbw i guess, am officially a mrZ's fiancee on 23.3.2013..baru perasan tarikh tu cantek.hehe

alhamdulillah, wa syukurillah...everything going smooth. my heart doesn't have that feel of weird or palpitation  as i wish to have someone who love me more than me myself..

well, a long story between me and and and there...and finally when i asked him early 2013 whether he wants to stay in his hometown and there's nothing between us OR find a job in Sban@KL early ,then we can get married..

He doesn't take much time to make decision and terus turun Sban to find a job. unluckily his first try tidak menyebelahi dirinya..then he went back to Tganu and cont his old job..his second try when he went KL alhamdulillah give us a very good hint to proceed with our relationship..

it is a very short period of time when he asked his parents for us to get married and he asked his bro in law to jadik wakil in proses of merisik and bertunang..initially his mother quite worried. ye lor anak bujang bongsu and the only anak lelaki yg nak berkahwin and he just started his life in KL!..biasa la risau seorang ibu..mampukah anaknya memberi anak dara orang mkn? it goes when i just know that my fiance is like a gangster.haha..if his bro in law buat hal in that process he wont come over their house again.garang yow!
ye lor..da dia berkobar2 nak kawen da ni..hihi..and parents dia cool je bersetuju whatever keputusan anak dia pilih...

so alhamdulillah..selepas dirisik oleh his parents and kak na's family together with his little sister and a brother, tarikh bertunang ditetapkan..and on the day of engagement, all his family members went to my!huge family yow!hihi