Friday, March 25, 2011

destinasi cinta

well2,majlis maulidurrasul baru je selesai di kolej kami selasa hari tu.monday's night,there was a film for tontonan umum,sirah sjrh rasullah,which i didnt get enaugh energy to drive back to putra from hkl just to watch the movie where u can just download from tenet..
and on the 2nd day,it was a special talk from ust fatimah sharha (salah eja ni), after isyak,and i was kindda excited to hear ceramah2 ni..esp berkaitan expectation was totally wrong to this educated ust as the talk was realllllyyyyy inspiring, i mean,bukan crmah biasa..she had slide,video,songs,and what not..

little bit bout her..currently 27 y.o,married to a dr,ve one daughter 3 y.o,n i think she's pregnant as the belly quite kedepan eventhough she's wearing tudung  labuh..(stalk x tahan).y she's very educated?from kuzsa,she further studied to ukm in fiqh (oh,am sorry,dunno the panjang2 nama kos dia),degree,sambung to syria master, and balik msia,sambung phd at uia..currently lecturing at uia..huhu..perfect!

2 learning issue i get from her that tuesday night...

1. ada 3 peringkat cinta..cita teragung is absolutely to our creator,Allah sbt..the second peringkat is love to our parents,siblings,relatives,friends,houses,money and stuff yg milik kita totally..and paling bawah skali is cinta ke2 yg melebihi cinta pertama..get what i mean?
sirah: dimana abdullah yg berkahwin dgn atikah, disuruh oleh bapanya menceraikn atikah krn x ke masjid as usual to perform solah.dia melebihkan istri yg sah dr brjemaah di masjid..hukz..abdullah pun ikut arahan bapanya(abu bakar),and he took it as a pengajaran to dri sendiri..but then,after few moment, abu bakar kasihan melihat abdullah ni duk teringat rindu kat istri dia..tu yg rujuk semula..see?pengajaran kisah sahabat nabi,cinta kpd istri yg sah melebihi cinta kpd Allah..

2. if u wanna ur totally love (i mean,ur totally love from hubby or wife), u have to b patient as muslim (bg yg blom kawen la).the analogy brought by ust farha is very simple..just imagine u r fasting today..ada x org yg saje2 je letak mknn kat mulut dia,acah2 nak mkn?saje letak cawan kat bibir,gaya nak minum?hem,kalo terlajak,boleh je tertelan and batal puasa terus..if u can be patient,ignore those food,bila berbuka nanti,nikmat x rasanya usaha menahan diri sepanjang hari?nikmat kan?

so,pandai2 la pk,mls nak elaborate..hehe

it's late already..looking forward for tomorrow's activity...
owh psy posing...=p

1 comment:

whoiam said...