Sunday, March 06, 2011


psychiatry posting..

b4 i enter this posting, i was thinking of the scary part, the palpitation part, and all stuff make my anxious increases..dealing with patient with mental problem is not an easy task,i guess..

so,today,finishing my week2  of psy, and tomorrow is the beginning of week 3, was what i think b4 been change?

i force myself to like this posting..seriously..nmpak mcm mudah,dealing with patient,bla,bla,bla..
but do u know that,the history taking part is seriously-deviated-180 degree- different with other history taking ?
ergh!!!...yeah,u r rite,there's no physical examination needed, but u have a mental state examination which is 'ha-ha-ha'?

one patient took about half to one an hour to finish clerking..lama sungguh belum masuk bab diaorg cerita bab2 yg terpesong sana sini..well,week 2 aritu kat HAT, ive encounter about 3-4 ptn..depression, adjustment disorder, psyco,and schizo in the ward and clinic..all of them gimme a lot of stories..haha again..

this is one ptn, Ms M,45 yo,housewife,came to get depo injection,get depo injection for nearly 7 years..defaulted ptn..nak kene babap ptn,b4 injection,i interview her..bla,bla,bla,later on,i feel like im a sort of kaunselor-rumahtangga..

she told me about her husband yg x 'sygkan' dia,about her children whom she treat like a baby eventhough they are 17 yo,15 yo, and 11 yo, about her first love who still keep on mssging her, encourage her to pray and she love it,about everything...huhu...what i do?layan je la cite mak cik ni..and tokok tambah pape yg patut..psycho ptn mmg cmni roman nye..

2nd ptn,in the ward, 30 yo,single male,soldier,gimme different stories plak..kisah nenek kebayan yg bawa dia kua dr kem askar kat JB terus ke puteri gunung ledang waterfall..okay,abaikan kisah nenek kebayan.but if u think logically,how he reached the waterfall, yg jauh 3 jam pjlnn, terlepas dr kem askar yg surely dikawal ketat stp masa?dua kali plak tu terlepas..maybe nenek kbyan tu bw kpl ufo pstu terbang kan dia..hehe..and he said,sy takut nak jmp nenek tu lagi,takut dia bawa saya gi sabah sarawak plak!!adoi..i dunno whether i wanna laugh,or do my poker face..
but towards the end,we know he had adjustment disorder,mang dia ske bersendirian,asocialize and stuff..

3rd ptn,in the clinic, abg rock,30 yo,single male,soldier agak payah..hekz..badan tough bukan kemain,drug addict after secondary school,but stop after 4 years, and b4 join the,in the army training, he had withdrawal symptoms,diagnosis:substance misuse..apart from his 'gila2' story, he said he was lucky coz da baik dari kanser peparu tanpa makan ubat!!siap btau dr,sy x nak mkn ubat,sy ada cara sendiri nak baikkan diri..tgk case note,no history of admission in the medical ward, no history of lung problem...rockz la brader kite ni..

well,ni cerita from HAT hspital,terendak...tomorrow will see another ptn lagi,hope to hear another story lagi..hehe..week 5, will go to HKL plak..lg menarikz rasanya,insyaAllah..k la,till here!!


Anonymous said...

clerking sorang2? wow..berani awak ye :)

~syamim~ said...

no la..psy xleh clerking sorang2..hehe...xbrani