Sunday, January 22, 2012


i read dr muna's blog recently and terpanggil nak tulis sumthing here..well,it's my blog.anybody cares?

she wrote about her final exam, and how she feels menunggu keputusan final itu...and alhamdulillah,she did it well, and everything goes after the result went smoothly..i mean, she get married on time, and be an intern and survive in the europe for a couple of years..imagine if she failed the exam, she have to memanjangkan pertunangan dia,and it's very risky, isn't it?and masa pengajian will be long and long,and it's tiring..

here u this matter of life, the one thing that u must have and put on faith and trust is Allah. not only during this hard time for surely. as Muslim, do put ur trust and faith in Allah wherever u go, whenever u been, whoever u with and so on so forth.once u remember Him, He will always be there for u..Allah loves u more than other creature in this world. Orang-orang yang beriman dan hati mereka manjadi tenteram dengan mengingat Allah. 

Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allah  hati menjadi tenteram. (al-Ra`d:28)

He's very kind isn't it?u can ask him everything, what's ur wish?what's ur plan?just pray hard and go for it..DUIT. doa usaha ikhtiar tawakal. that's the longest pneumonic ive ever remember (tertampal kat dinding skola)..and it's really works on us..
if ur wish goes well and and everybody's happy, sujud syukur and alhamdulillah, He make things easier for u..
if that thing is not as u wish, remember, u ve tried enough and there's no wrong to  accept is no fun without ups and downs isn't it?well,that's aturan Allah juga yg menentukan. be positive and life is so short u wanna waste it,...

ive done my 1st and 2nd pro exam..alhamdulillah, it turns good=)

and waiting for me is my last 3rd professional exam..which will be held this June 2012..nervous?yeah, im nervous thinking of exams..for sure every posting we enter in, we had exams the end of it..exams never's endless...the exams is for sure will be held, but im not sure what's obstacle and miserable thingy i will be face it prior to my exams day..oh Allah,kuatkan hati hambaMu yg lemah ini, dan jauhkan hati ini dari perkara2 yg boleh memesongan ingatannya dariMu..ameen.may Allah ease my way..and ur way..

Orang beriman akan timbul rasa positif bila ditimpa ujian~ prof Dr Muhaya

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