Tuesday, February 28, 2012


now is my week 3 of paeds posting..
feel missing sumthing..
this week 3 and 4 ill be in the ward..can't wait to meet the children everyday..

actually, just finished our BST with a young, good looking specialist..very energetic.. enthusiastic.. our first BST with him, and maybe the last,bcz he's working in private hospital..so he came in and taught us on how to present history and do physical examination plus squeezing our brain mcm perah santan with all the theory part when all of us just standing for 2 hours in the middle of the ward.heh~

well,alhamdulillah, we learn something..discuss on nephrotic and nephrtitic syndrome which is the bread and butter in pediatric plus did the abdomen and respiratory examination on the patient...nmpk sgt byk xtahu..go back and read ur books!

his last question before we separated was, do u really want to be a doctor?for what?

beaing a doctor is not about to kejar glamour, nak kejar duit yg banyak..to kejar pangkat or so what-ever..if u want to be kaya and billionaire, gi je masuk business ** (xingat pe dia kata)..if u nak glamour, g la masuk AF ke, american got talent ke, or so what ever to kejar glamor..u are in the wrong place if u want that..

being a doctor is passion to care..to other people..stp org ada niat tersendiri..me myself has my own point..polish ur niat everyday..insyaAllah, Allah will help u along the way..

i love this boy.

this is my fav adik in hospital serdang..tp kiteorg xleh jumpa dia sbnnrnye.takut infection.(nak masuk kene nyorok2)..we first met him when i was in sem 9, like 5-6 month ago...he had chronic lung disease, still waiting for somebody to donor him a pair of lung..so,he need that mask to supply him oxygen 24 hours..actually,he's a 9 yr old chinese innocent boy, MUST stay in the ward for a long time..hospital is his place now..not his home..yeah, his parents pun x brape nak dia sgt..he's taken care by his indonesian maid..smpaikan dia pandai la ckp melayu berbanding chinese..nama dia ADAM..nama chinese dia,xtahu la..

reflection to myself:

Allah bg kite free oxygen, tp adam terpakse pakai 24 hours oxygen mask sbb lung dia xdpt bantu dia bernafas..
Allah bg kite family,kawan2 yg baik,tp kite x appreciate..adam ada sorg je maid yg took care of him..plus the specialist yg rajin layan dia..parents and adik bradik x penah nmpk kat spital..
Allah bg kita rumah yg selesa,mknn yg sedap,tp kite jarang nak bersyukur..adam terpakse duk kat ward,hari2 colouring buku racer car dia..duk je dlm isolation room dia xleh keluar ke mana2 except cleaner dtg nak cucui bilik je...
Allah g kita selera mkn, kite plak mkn membazir2..adam?nak mkn xyah cerita panjang,sebab dia langsung xde selera makan..kalau kene suap nasi,tggu la beberapa jam baru dia nak telan nasi dlm mulut dia..

Allah bg kite nikmat,jarang kite syukuri kan?

adam terpakse duk hospital untuk naikkan berat dia..last time berat dia just 14kg (5 month ago, pic atas)...kite nye current weight?terlebih2 agaknya panggil penyakit dtg..phew~

this time, after 4-5 month being in the hospital,current weight is 19 kg.. congrats adam=)

Thursday, February 23, 2012


boyfriend i skrg ni rajen sgt2..terpakse rajen sbb chinese school dia skrg ske bg homework byk2..same as smart reader he went when he was 4 years old..but now,gentle sikit la sbb, balik rumah je, he will say: 
cikgu cakap mama kene buat homework luqman skali!hehe

miss him!



in our usrah meeting last weekend, i ve to present the current issues of syria..

do i care about syria?
do u care?
do we all care?

do u know the entire story about it?..i feel blessed when i have to search and get the information and shared it with my friends. this video is part of it..

also get some information from dr zainurrashid, the O&G specialist..
go and do some reading..
kite banyak sgt xtahu perkembangan semasa umat islam..

nabi kita berpesan: siapa yg tidak mengambil peduli hal org islam yg lain, maka bukan dari kalangan kami..

let us pray and do something for our brothers and sisters who fight for freedom from al-assad.

p/s: feel like to join mercy malaysia and fly over there to help the people

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


this morning when i woke up, i fell really energetic, and i feel like a very new of me and feel like really enjoyed myself yet i want to make others happy..so, i went out early direct to the hospital after catch my friend and masuk2 je emergency deptment (ED), head of department (HOD) ED tgah buat round and as usual medical student menyelinap masuk dlm round skali.kalau HOD tu nmpk,konpem kene sound. tau dah lambat wpon br kul 8* and there's not much patient dlm ED.ada sorg pak cik with chest pain resolve with morphine and GTN and stuff..sgt perlukan brush up IM wpun skrg posting paeds*

and as usual HO will give precise history of the ptn and what's management she/he had done to that fella. very good..i mean,sy sgt jealous. sy cemburu. the HOD and specialist asked her even more, and she answered like she knows everything about the ptn by heart. BY HEART.

and suddenly i ask myself, am i going to be a doctor?can i be a good doctor?can i be like that?or even worst?same?even better?which one?

can i present the history same like that dr give?blablabla je history taking dia.mantap.yeah,u know in emergency setting, u ve to be smart and cepat and tangkas to get the diagnosis. late to diagnose considered failure.can i meet up to that standard?

direct after the round, we had CME with the HOD, specialist, MO,Ho ,Ma,nurses..tajuk: traumatic brain injury (TBI). the same ho present cases and elaborate the details. the english is very good. sedap suara mendengar. dlm hati,da pk i shud take eng course time cuti nanti.when u confident to talk in english,there's no problem at all to answer or present what-so-ever* and again the HOD and specialist love to ask question, subsequently the MO yg cantek itu can answer all question like pup pup pup..direct.

yeah, i wonder. it's emergency department. but there's no male MO. yg ada 2 female MOs, really beautiful and smart. brain smart.  selalunye la kan,the male will conquer posting tough2 mcmni..tough posting for tough ppl la kan? meaning to say, beautiful lady also can do the tough2 thingy..hehe

seriously i inspired to be like them.i feel nervous inside, but i know, im grateful coz am still a student, still ve time to dig the knowledge, still can do mistake, ve time to be brainy student, sharpen my skills, rajen do ward works, help MAs and stuff..yg penting, ada kesedaran to belajar cik mimi oi!!!

p/s: oh how much i miss poland and egypt..the holiday mode masih berbasi lagi nih..get out!!study mode on!

 really miss them
sila sedar diri anda tidak berada di sini.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

let's practice it!

SEBELUM tidur, Rasulullah SAW pernah berpesan kepada Saidatina Aisyah :

“Ya Aisyah, jangan engkau tidur, sebelum melakukan 4 perkara iaitu :

Khatam Al Qur’an

Membuatkan para nabi memberi syafaat kepadamu di hari akhirat

Membuatkan para muslim meredhai kamu
Melaksanakan ibadat haji dan umrah.

Bertanya Aisyah :

“Ya Rasulullah, bagaimanakah aku dapat melaksanakan 4 perkara dalam satu masa?”

Rasulullah tersenyum sambil bersabda :

“Jika engkau tidur bacalah Surah Al -Ikhlas 3 kali, (maka ia seolah-olah kau mengkhatamkan Al Qur’an). Dan Bacalah selawat untukKu dan para nabi sebelumku, (maka kami semua akan memberi syafaat kpdmu di hari kiamat). Dan Beristighfarlah untuk para muslimin (maka mereka semua akan meredhai kamu). Dan perbanyakkanlah bertasbih, bertahmid, bertahlil, dan bertakbir (maka ia seolah-olah kamu telah melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umrah)”


Monday, February 20, 2012

anak itu

am done with one week posting in NICU..neonatal intensive care unit, where all the-less-than-28 days baby will be there to be treated until they bcme healthy..and will be continue with emergency and wards..

yeah, so many things i learned from this 1 week precious moment.
NICU means, semua budak yg sgt2 ill, yg x berdaya, yang ada defect anomaly, cacat dimana2 dan memerlukan perhatian rapi ditempatkan. u know what? i met 2 mothers yg anak dia bakal dilahirkan 'syndromic' aka 'tidak normal' and they knew it dari dlm kandungan lagi, but they still want the baby.why? yeah, LOVE. tu baru 2 mothers,blom yg lain lg...

and now, wlaupun anak mereka syndromic and have to stay in the NICU for a quite long time, mereka redha..time nak ambil history mereka, thay look tabah, and x semena2 i let my tears fall down..seriously MOTHERs are the brave and cool person ever. may Allah bless them until jannah..

bcs of LOVE, they care to us..they care to the baby...kalau kite berada di tempat mereka, will we do the same?

bayi ibarat kain putih bersih, dimana ibu bapa yg bertanggungjawab mencorakkan kain itu. im not really good in islamic versus to qoute anything from the Quran, but i know bayi or kanak2 adalah insan yg tidak berdosa, yg islam , yg suci dan lebih baik dr kita..and we don't have the right to judge them...

i remembered when i was in German, Tamam @ our fellow friends from Palestin, bila dia jumpa a group of kanak2, he will do a sign like, sumthing special and the kanak2 will smile and do the same to him like they knew each other and they were connected for so many years!when i asked him,do u really know them?he simply said, i don't,but children are muslem! we r the same=)

me,mira, wani,my Mira and Tamam depan one of the castle in Berlin. Tamam is still single who loves children and like them a lot. Like,ada connection between them,secretive.

when i said, we don't have the right to judge them, i fell really angry and SAD.yeah, am SAD when there's some ppl yg menghebahkan kadar kenaikan anak haram or so whatever tajuk berkenaan anak luar nikah itu. sangat menunjukkan ketidakpuashatian dia@mereka dlm isu ni..apa salah anak haram itu??i don't feel right. anak luar nikah sounds firm sikit..salah ke jadi anak luar nikah?mereka minta jadi begitu ke?kenapa ada jgak org x puas hati??i think u xpuas hati pada salah org..argh!i don't like you!ever!

and can u imagine perasaan budak2 ni bila baca berita or status yg u tulis in any news,fb or twitter pasal increase in anak luar nikah ni?penah pk x?agak2 kalau u berada kat tmpat dorg,what will u feel?great??mcmtu?

so what with the number yg increasing?nak salahkan budak2 tu?kenapa x salahkan si pelaku?remaja2 yg perlakuan di luar batasan Islam?atau prmpuan2 yg dianiaya?atau prmpuan yg rela diperlaku?oh yeah,perempuan sahaja ke perlu dipersalahkan?kalau xde lelaki,xkan jadik kan?lelaki as imam,mana responsibility to jaga maruah perempuan muslim?kenapa nak pandang senget sebelah mata dgn budak2 ni?WHAT's UR RIGHT TO DO THAT?

tolonglah..think out of the box..kalau sekadar nak hebah mende mcmtu,without the solution,baik xyah nak kecoh.lagi baik gi amik anak2 tu,bela and jaga meraka,u will be paid by Allah insyaAllah..anak2 tu consider anak yatim, suci bersih, baru nak mengenl dunia..if u feel responsible, u won't kutuk2 anak2 ni..pls la..seriously, i hate u did that.

i don't have much money to buy toys for my beloved Hakim, but a picture of this may make him happy=)

p/s: sorry..towards the end, jadik emo plak...but am really emo kalo cte bab ni...sekian...

Sunday, February 19, 2012


wasiat Rasullah saw kpd Ali :
"Ya Ali! Perbanyakkanlah membaca Surah Yassin, kerana dalam membacanya itu terdapat sepuluh macam keberkatan. 
Tidak ada orang yang membacanya waktu lapar atau puasa melainkan kenyang.
Haus kecuali hilang hausnya. 
Tidak memiliki pakaian melainkan ia akan memperolehi pakaian. 
Merasa takut kecuali datang rasa aman. 
Di penjarakan melainkan ia akan keluar dari penjara. 

Bujang melainkan ia akan berkahwin.
Sewaktu musafir matanya menjadi terang dalam perjalanan.
Tidak membacanya orang yang kehilangan sesuatu benda melainkan mendapatkannya kembali.
Tidak dibacakan ia ke atas orang yang akan hampir ajalnya melainkan diringankan baginya.
Barangsiapa yang membacanya di waktu subuh nescaya ia akan aman sehingga petang, dan barangsiapa yang membacanya di waktu petang nescaya ia akan berada di dalam keadaan aman sehinggalah waktu pagi."

(Hadis Riwayat At-Tirmidzi dan An-Nasa'i)


if u are a gentleman, do not approach her! approach her father!!

PEOPLE are made to be Loved,
THINGS are made to be Used,
The problem with the World is that
PEOPLE are being Used here,
& THINGS are being Loved :/

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

bismillah..sem 10..

i wish to stop the time.


at least for few hours..why?
coz tomorrow, i will start my sem 10..my final sem ever as a student, insyaAllah..am scared..few weeks of holidays rasa mcm  x cukup..hukz

last friday, we had our sem 10 briefing..sume lecturers pesan...u just have 4 months to upgrade urself before the real final pro 3 and before u be a housemen.*scary part*

4 month only mimi...then u'll be free for dew month and will send to the hospital u want..4 month is like,sgt sekejap..4 month to be called as medical student..4 month only to recap everything..4 month to sacrifice ur weekend..4 month only mimi!!

yeah, i can do it!!
toksah leleh la

Thursday, February 09, 2012


my first time watching his youtube was few weeks ago, sumbody post it in the facebook.
he makes me cry. really. he is sumthing. new revolution for youth generation.

i love this one...anak asset ke syurga or neraka?

and my second time is just now. tv al-hijrah channel 114...he talks about our beloved Rasullah saw...straight to the heart..make me miss my beloved one...

Allah cakap kita akan duduk dengan org yg kita cinta...
siapa yg kita cintai sekarang?

mari kita belajar cinta nabi..
in every aspect of life, insyallah ada sunnah baginda yg boleh kita ikuti,teladani...

oh yeah, last Sunday my sisters and i went to dewan besar MPS to gather and celebrate our beloved muhammad's birthday, maulidurrasul..dekat banner tepi jalan tulis 8 am,so i went there earlier hope to get the sit in front and parking x susah la kan..unfortunately, ramai nye org yg dtg mai nak sambut maulidrasul..alhamdulillah...=)

part yg x bestnye, rpa2 nya, ada undang johol,tampin,mb n9, datin datuk,sultan permaisuri and so who ever were invited there, and we have to wait for more than 1 hour to hear the ceramah khas..ok, 1st time jumpa permaisuri (isteri sultan mukhriz)..i thought our permaisuri wearing full hijab like our mantan queen, our permaisuri najihah@aishah (if im not mistaken. sbb dulu time sekolah ada pic queen with full hijab sungguh cantik)...

what ever it is, i penat la nak tunggu lama2 untuk upacara khas tuk depa ni...depa senang je dtg dgn driver bawak masuk parking depan dewan pukul 9.45am,and abes ceramah area 11am,terus gi dewan santapan and terus balik...i ni datang awal, parking jauhhhhh plak tu..sob2..ye la,1st time nak merasa kat dewan mps kan..xtau plak ada jemputan org2 besar gitu..kalau tau,i kawen je ngan anak sultan,leh dtg lambat,save masa i tau..hehe~berangan~

k,itu hanye picisan..hehe

the best part is, of course the main programme on that day..ceramah khas maulidurrasul by ustaz fuad..even i didn't really understand certain arabic word he used, but alhamdulillah, i get sumthing from the talk. feel like we really close to our main creature Allah taala and beloved Muhammad saw...

plus the dewan bergema when kita berselawat bersama2, rasa gegar dewan,gegar jiwa,rasa sayaaang sgt kat nabi..rindu.

p/s: smbil dengar lagu ya rasullah from raihan..feeling habes~

Friday, February 03, 2012

short jaulah

i planned my short break a month b4 my pro exam 2..i said to myself, i ve to go out from malazi and have to breath in other's weather, no matter what ever i've to face..so,this is my 2nd time to egypt alone, yup, a lot of people were surprised with my presence again in egypt for the 2nd time...am also surprised with myself too~hehe

the reason behind it, let me keep it as my secret. so, i've spend a little money..even it's not much, i think it's enough for me to travel as a backpackers. as a student, am involve in a small business, jual brg sana sini,berniaga gitu~ hehe..bila pk2 balik,alhamdulillah, Allah ease my way to get what i want. but i've to 'bekerja' and usaha for it..by the way,it's fun! i love berniaga=)

so,i brought few baju muslimah, long skirts and few stuff for girls from msia to egypt..so this way i can get and spend some money. alhamdulillah, everything was sold, tq to wani's friends yg membeli belah from me.hihi..and am very glad..know what, doing this way, i distract myself from problems and make my brain to works even more..and sharpen my communication skills, and bertambah ramai kawan and i enjoyed myself very much!!!

at first, i planned to visit Jordan, Syria, Syam and country near to them. of course i've few friends there to help me in term of accommodation. but then, xdapat nak visit ke sana esp masjid al-aqsa due to the safety of the country itself and our safety too..so,tgk balik peta dunia, Poland is quite nearer to egypt and i've my luvly Mira there, and i said to wani,,let's go to Poland!!

and total rm ive spend to the flight ticket is about rm3k ++  msia-egypt-poland-egypt-msia..quite cheap as wani bought from the travel agent in mansoura. kalo nak compare, beli online lg mahal kalo nak ke mesir..hurm,murah lg kalo gune agent dari mesir sendiri..pelik kan?

lot of interesting things i've experienced, meeting new people, very2 nice people..especially the Palestenian guy, Tamam..xdpt gi palestin, but meeting the palestenian pun alright ape..and the Oman's girl plus a Tunisia's guy..lot of stories..they speak arabic, araby as the one yg menyatukan mereka eventhough they came from various places..and wani do speak araby with them..lucky isn't it?me,am sorry..ana la' araby..heh~