Wednesday, September 14, 2011


well2...few days before we end our surgery posting..
i'll miss this posting (seriously??)
well,i will miss my lecturers, all the dedicated lecturers..
well,u know what?
we are from IPTS..and the lecturers are not purely from local ppl..our surgeon aka surgery lecturers aka machoman all from Egypt,Somalia and Iran..
our surgery department conducted by Mr Ali Almu.... Al...... bin Al.......the lecturers plak sume hok nama arab ada 3-4 huruf panggil depa senang je,Mr Ali ,Mr Hazem, Mr Shaker..yup,Mr is for the surgeon only..kalo specialist len,panggil Dr je...notice that all surgeons MOSTly are men..nape yep?

sy ske sgt dgn depa ni,sbb diaorgnye semangat nak mengajar tu,sgt luar biasa..hem,mcm diaorng ni text book,and kite dgr je diaorg ckp,smpai tepu da pale nak xtau pe rahsia diaorg boleh jadik 'orang text book'..sama mcm the lecturers kat Egypt time sy wat attachment kat sana..diaorg punye smngat nak mngaja sgt tinggi smngat,padahal da tgh hari,student mcm da layu...huhu

ok fine,i wanna share one of my lecturer..Mr Hazem (38yo male single from Egypt) graduated from Cairo uni, sambung kat Royal College of Surgery Uk, and the best part is,dia gi Msia,khidmat with KKM, (bajet nak dtg Msia sbb tertarik dgn deep beautiful sea cm Langkawi,tp alih2 kene anta ke Swak.hehe) for 7 years..7YRS kat swak!!!!!u know!!!oh my...and,after 7 years, gi semenanjung,and masuk CUCMS and lecturing...klas dia? just bw kunci kete je,dgn ilmu penuh di dada..dia siap hafal every single sign&symptoms,kalo 6,6 la dia sebut,kalo 10,pup pup pup,sume dia keluarkan.. btol2 mcm buku teks..

kan best kalo dalam exam kite dpt jawab mcm tu.pp pup pup terus kua sume jwpan...bahagia je hati suk terkuis sana sini,pk yg rare2 punye...huhu..cmne nak lpas aih..

mmg salute la..and sometimes he shows us some pictures esp dlm OT..time dia tgh bedah thyroid ke,hernia ke,perut ke,so what ever la,and he likes sharing his experience (still xpat menarik minat sy suka kan surgery sbb surgery covers lotz of thing and susah)..and it helps us to visualize the real things going on...he's one out of 15 surgeons yg berkhidmat di seluruh Swak..sikit kan??so,no doubt la he's a very skillful surgeon..untuk 7 thn dia duk Swak x g mana2,mang dia dpt experience yg melampau2 seronok..huhu..he's also one of the lecturer yg encourage us to do HO in swak or sabah..bcz he knows,we will learn better there with the minimal sources and the not-so-easy-patient...

u know,i wish that med student have that spirit to study and study and study..if he can finish that bery & love (surgeon's text book) in his time,why not us kan?

yeah,he's one of the dedicated lecturer we doakan dia terus berkhidmat dgn CUCMS, terus menerus menebarkan bakti di Malaysia ni..well,dia xtau ckp bahasa melayu..'so,what language can u speak sir?'i asked the other day..'oh,i just can speak in English, Arabic, and Iban'..hehee

p/s: next week is our new posting...O&G!!!!ho yeah!!!my feveroteh...mari bertemu dgn ibu2 mengandung and baby2 yg comel=)))))
tp scary sket sbb dr tu particular sket..huhu

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