Friday, May 27, 2011

oh Kuwait airways...


well today supposedly im in the flight,heading back to Kuala Lumpur..but then,sumting happen to me ..feel like crying (yeah,miss my family),but feel weird kelaka jugak..SAYA TERLEPAS FLIGHT!!!

nak dijadikan cerita, my flight written in the ticket was at about 3.05,we arrived the airport around 1.30pm..slalunye we have to check in 45 minutes before the time written,so ive to check in before 2.20pm.. waiting for Iqbal (our neighbour, nak kirm brg kat mak dia),so after that i masuk around 2.15..and i was surprised when the guard ckp,sorry ur check in already close.what??pak guard tu cek jam tangan (2.15pm) and hp dia..jam tangan dia waktu mesir, jam hp dia waktu international (3.15pm)..
(noted  that once u check-in,u cannot turning back x mcm di Msia,bila da jmp kaunter check in,bole jmp sape2 lg..kat sini kaunter dia kat dlm yg memisahkan passenger dgn non-passenger)

but at the screen monitor,it still tertulis OPEN..hukz.and u know what,there is no officer at the counter..baru kul 2.15 kot!!no more passenger anything except the empty caunter..i try hard to find any officer,but then,they didnt seem very helpful...perhaps i cn't speak arabic ,so and so je la kan..sume x nak layan..huaaaa....

the guard said,wait for an hour then the officer will come back..even dekat office Kuwait pun,xde org jaga..cmne la sistem ni, dok pehe hambe...kesimpulanye,sy da terlepas flight...and my friend said,it's very impossible mende cmni jadik..and he said,perhaps masa yg tertulis kat tiket sy print tu,masa antarabangsa...mesir x guna masa antarabangsa,so depa lewat sejam..meaning to say,tiket tulis kul 3 pm(international),waktu mesir (yg sy guna) kul 2 pm..i shud be in the airport 45 minutes before 2 pm(mesir),its about 1.15pm ..maksudnye lagi, kul 2 saya smpai kaunter tu,everything da close,kapal terbang pun da lepas sbb waktu antarabangsa kul 3..and maksudnye lagi,sy memang double triplet fortlet lambat la..xpat dimaafkan lagi...

salah siapa?no need to salahkan sape2 rasanye..ini bukan kali pertama ia taerjadi..da sorg Malaysian study sini pun 2x kene problem yg sama..x tahu di mesir and international menggunakan masa yg berbeza..and kebanyakan org yg kene problem ni adalah yg beli tiket on9...coz xde sape nak beritahu u ve to be in the airport 3 hours earlier..hukz.

punyalah excited nak balik umah,akhirnya Allah takdirkan saya duk seminggu lagi di Mesir ni..before balik tadi,dah booked tiket next week and have to add up another 1000+++ genih ,byr masa nak amik tiket next week..huhu..

whatever happen,redha je la kan?xleh nak buat pe pun..huhu..k nak tido..penat duk dlm kete 3 jam dari cairo balik mansoura..huhu..nyte everyone~

p/s: kwn sy ckp,ada hikmah sy tertinggal flight ni..and mungkin juge sbb kafarah dosa..dosa dgn org kat sini yg x settle lagi,or maybe juge dosa dgn ibu yg x dimaafkan lgi..and maybe juge sy kurang bersedekah kat sini (mang rmi pegemis) dgn hati yg ikhlas.hukz.i dunno which or which...have to think back really

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