Saturday, May 07, 2011



azan isyak sedang dilaungkan..byk juga kedengaran azan2 di masjid lain,berdekatan dgn rumah wani ni agaknye...

im here now, in mansoura,egypt for the 1st time..perjalanan yg makan masa agak2 sehari ni mengembirakan hati ku,even when suddenly tears coming out from my eyes..yeah,got heart problem..
subhanallah..nice scenery from the airplane ..kuwait like a small boxes
sila buat latihan ini dimana2 walaupun anda bukan di dlm kpl terbang ye=p
elak DVT tau!

well, yesterday at 1am,we arrived KLIA, 2.15am shoud be in the boarding gate, sharp 3.15am,Kuwait airways pun terbang..alhamdulillah, teman sebelah adalah seorang lady from Indonesian,so tido xda segan la.oh,baru ku tahu,rmi gak indonesian kerja kat arab nih...em,sempat juga berkenalan dgn seorang kakak (well,she's malaysian 28 y.o married to a Germany,got a very cute beautiful daughter). dia nak balik German with her husband.duk borak2, rpenye she speaks arabic with her husband, she speaks malay with her family, and the husband speaks german to his family..hua2..berjumpa dan berkahwin di Syria semasa menuntut syariah di thinking anak dia nanti nak sebut bahasa mana satu..coz what ive learn, a child should be introduced to a one language 1st, then baru bahasa2 lain..kalau mak and ayah ckp bahasa lain2, anak susah nak pick up,and later, anak sukar untuk bercakap..

Kuwait airport sgt besar+cantek,tp tempat transit x besar punnn

baru nak lelap dlm sejam kemudian,the stewardess kejut bg food.when i asked her, is it our breakfast?she said,no its ur snacks..snacks??sikit punya byk mknn dlm tray dia bg tuh.hihi..ya 4 me itu adalah mknn berat..kenyang perut trus tido, and later depa kejut lg, bg food lg..'this is ur breakfast'..oh,best jugak..alhamdulillah,bole mkn..mnah indon duk sebelah x mkn sgt,maybe dia xde selera kot,or dia xpenah mkn mknn barat mcm tu..sian dia..

after about 8 hours in the flight, we arrived Kuwait..sempat juga sy berkenalan dgn srg student Upm,an Iran,she's going to Frankfurt to do her LI aircraft engineering, she's really brilliant,pointer 3.6..dia wat LI 5 org, the another 4 akan dtg esok.2 chinese boy, 1 malay boy and one malay girl..sume top2 belaka..hebat..

And the best thing ever, i met an arabic woman with 3 children,reading clinical medicine book,and she looks tired mlayan 3,3 anak kecik dia yg sgt la active..i tegur dulu, yeah,she's post graduate dr..nak abeskan master katanya..byk yg kami borakkan..and dia byk berkongsi pengalaman raising her kids while she's doing her master..hard work,really hard..muka dia penat, and dia byk kali ckp dia penat,sbb anak2 dia asyik la panjat tangga sana sini kat tmpat transit tu!hihi..sian dr Basmet...cmtu kot eja nama dia. dia xbrape speak in English,kdg2 cmpur arab jugak..after 6 hours transit kat Kuwait,kami naik flight lagi,for 3 hours b4 smpai Cairo..kat epot,i hug Dr Basmet, and she was like,happy sgt and ckp arab ngn saya yg x phm pe yg dia dia sgt terharu kot..'maassalamah'..ulang kali dia ckp cmtu..

alhamdulillah,smooth je kat epot cairo..depa cop je pasport, amik brg, i keluar, my junior time skola da tunggu kat luar..xsempat nak snap pictures area Cairo sbb drebar bw  mcm F1, langgar bumper mcm la kete dia lori..hihi..

my new friend from UPM tlg amik kan pic..excited dia nak gi German to do her LI..xsempat amik pic bersama

whatever it is,here am i..will doing her elective posting for three weeks,gain knowledge,new experience and add another new chapter in my life..moga Allah redha..

1 comment:

esteqqama said...

salam,hye kak mimi..hehe..

btw,mmg kat sni meriah azan nyer..ahlan2 illa mirs..hehe..

cam ne dok uma wani atas skli?penat nk panjat?hehe..

ape2 pon,slmt dok kat mesir 3 mggu~

u as our family here..u ar welcome to egypt..have nice clnical pctice here..

opss..boken eng~

classmate wanigulr