Saturday, May 14, 2011

Allah is here with me

well, when i was typing this, i ve been a week in Mansoura..huhu.alhamdulillah..things going very well, even though my sister and her housemate were in examination week, which is mean books and books..i dont care,coz my attention's here is doing my elective..heh?elective je ke?xde la..of course nak menjejaki bumi mesir ni,mncari pengalaman and kekuatan diri sendiri..

cerita tentang di mesir ni,first skali, i we as proud coz am surrounding with all Muslim. even my sis's housematese  are ALL good muslimah,insyaAllah..ske tgk depa solat jemaah,mkn jemaah,masak gilir2, and stuff. i remembered when we were in India last time,ibu masakkan few meals to my friends while they were very busy with the hospital stuff. and i was like,wanna do it here to my new housemates.i feel happy cooking, washing, even sgt teruja menggoogle resipi sikit punya byk,tp nak membuatnye,sukar juge sbb bahan2 sukar didapati..tgk la cmne nanti,teringin nak wat karipap..hoho

few days earlier, i had fever..mengada sungguh kan demam dikala sy sgt2 memerlukan kesihatan yg baik utk kehospital berjalan kaki 20 minit, ke sana dan ke mari dlm cuaca yg panas disusuli angin yg sejuk, disamping kaki yg sakit memerit, juga beberapa minor problem di hidung yg sesak dan mata yg berair, juga back pain..but,yeah,i manage it well alhamdulillah..baru 1st week..

and today, i feel sad (sudden). not because of the problem with my physical limitation, not my physical pain or whatever related to my surrounding, but it's related to my heart. whatever u did to me,i know im alone..but i do remember,Allah is always be side me....He do it purposely for me..redha and tawakkal saje okay??

kdg2 slalu jer teringat the advice, jgn risau perkara yg xpasti berlaku need to worry,coz ur life is still go on..lg baik redha and syukur saje=))

 1st day to the city,rmi bdak2 jual gula2 kapas..kecik je,boleh la sedap
 uni aka dewan kuliah
 besar tmpat ni.kalo hari biasa,mmg chaotic
  mansurah ni mmg tmpat blaja..ada kuliah tibb (dr), dentistry and for religious student
 wani depan mansoura hospital..1st day 1st time masuk
one of the bangunan2 rumah yg ada..kalo msia de bangunan cmni,sume kurus naik tangge=)


Anonymous said...

saya kan ada :)

Anonymous said...

u r not alone..ur family is always beside u..either u realise or not it's in ur heart...and remember this..keredhaan Allah terltk pd keredhaan ibumu...ur happiness is ur mum happiness...

n.s said...

pastikn anda menggembirakan org lain utk diri anda merasa gembira

Anonymous said...

u still have ur family, ur mum and people around u that love u very much..

Insyallah..u are always in ur mum heart dan sentiasa mendapat keredhaan ibumu.. Ingat janji Allah..itu pasti

esteqqama said...

hermm..survive kan..bile dgr certa kak mimi sst 1jam kat hosptal,tringt waktu kami 1st dtg..sst..da la naik teksi..hehe..btw,slmt la ye,mjelajah bumi ini..

Anonymous said...

sape "saya" tu?cegitau nama btol.senang owner nak tahu :D