penah x pagi2 lagi,korang da kene marah?heh..mst rs geram and spoil the mood all the days kan?sbb tu sy nak calon yg x- hot-tempered mcm _ _ _ _ .sbb,sy x suka org marah2,org mengamuk x tentu pasal,da marah2 baru tahu hal sbnrnye..i dont like that..moga Allah perkenankan permintaan sy xnak org kuat marah berada bersama saya..amin2..fuh2
well,alkisahnya pasai marah ni,smlm sy kene marah ngn patient!!!haha
tepat kul 8am,kiteorg da ready nak clerk ptn kat jabatan saraf otak jln tuanku abl rahma@hkl la usual,skema je pg2 muka x sabar nak wat,masuk je ward male tu,pemandangan biasa.sorg tgh nyanyi gaya sheila on 7, sorg ngh beratur tuk mkn ubat smbil mata tertutp,oh my,he's soooo cute ok!beratur tutup mata,minum tutup mata,pas mkn ubat,duduk terus sambung tido dia.haha..comel la pak cik..maybe dia ada withrawal symptoms from the drugs kot..
so,my group carik la sorang ptn yg 'stabil' la..heh,pak cik ni,mata sepet sblah,sbb dia kata de peluru from the pistol tembak mata dia.ok,gaya ganaz..dia tgh in mood yg marah..rsnye dia bipolar in manic state.caught by police due to aggressive behavior to the family. dia mintak nak balik to the previous dr,sbb nak jmp anak2 time cuti skola ari tu.but then,i think the dr do not allowed him to take home leave bcz he's not stable yet. so,smpai ke hari smlm,dia masih 'berdendam' dgn dr2 sekalian..he saw me,like kitaorg baru je nak build rappor,he shouted at me!
'u nak jadik dr,jgn berlagak tau!u ingat u jadi dr,boleh screen org (smbil tgn dia wat gaya screen muka),and terus diagnose org gila ke?im not insane!i just want to see my child!'
oh my..i was like,kecut perut seh!!pagi2 da kene sound kan,mang terus senyap x ckap pe la..takot abess..this pak cik is quite educated, he can speaks in english well..he had this grandiosity, he thinks he's the boss in everywhere..even the pulapol ppl tunduk kat dia..he claimed he's a businessman, buat business kopi,baju uniform,had 120 workers,bungalow kat bukit,BMW 2 bijik,macam2 la kan..and when we look at his case note,he is unemployed..
huhu..tu je cte sal marah td..dia mmg muka bengis la..asyik marah2..tanye dia solat ke x,dia ckp,dia imam kat ward laki tu..sume org ikut ckp dia..well,nak kata bipolar pun boleh jgak..bipolar disorder with psychotic symptoms..bai2 pak cik,moga pak cik sempat sembuh,mkn ubat ikut time k!
and tell u what..we encounter an abnormal behavior from ptn of course,plg teruk is from the female ward!!auchhh!
my friend (H,male), and i clerk this MDD chinese female..with her friend bipolar at her side..after few minutes,they show their interest to H. ask him que if he's single and he admit that.well,1st time encounter ptn female kan..kitorg x tahu behaviour diaorg sgt 'auch'..after few minutes,kiteorg nak balik,they wanna shake hand with us..know what,they kiss H!!!hohoho..i was like,stunning,dunno what to do..they,i mean,2 female berebut nak salam and like nak peluk H.aaaaaaaaaa..i dunno what to do,and kddn jadik kecoh last,one of the female dapat la jgak kiss his neck,sbb H smpat berpaling from kiss at his cheek..ewww..weekkk
laiin hal plak dgn male ward..some of them ask my facebook add and no..and the funny part is when,there is one guy,drug-induce-psychosis ask my birthdate..i told him i was born in dec,16 and he did not want to believe it.bcs he was born on nvember,he expect me to be the same nov like him??hehe.b4 we all bersurai,he said,ckp dgn org tu,x baik menipu org lain,berdosa..haha..i can't hide my laugh outside the ward okay..haha
well,tu la serba sedikit ttg psy posting kat hkl..ive told u!the ptn are super cool!!main fb,speak in english,grandiosity x tahan and stuff..this time around,male and female student have to back-up each other..kalau kat female ward,the guy have to admit they are married.lg best kalo ckp,the female student is her wife,membuatkan ptn segan sikit nak wat pape..and if kat male ward,u girls jgn la gi group,2 guys and 3 girls,just nice..and said u also married..haha...rasa best plak kene mengaku da kawen..heh