Thursday, December 15, 2011

bosan kene marah

do u know the feel of bosan?bukan bosan  xtau buat keje,x buat bosan bila kene marah...all the same thing again and again..

why people like to use their emotion instead of rationalism?
im tired of this=(

pls..get away all your anger out from me..i don't like people shouting. i don't like people mad.
and sy x suka org pemarah.

ni lain topik..just went to meet dentist today, tp tgk jadual kat pintu,kul 2 pm onward, xleh masuk..sume appointment..bosan~..kalo kat kk ampangan,dia bg je nak check sbb x ramai ptn..hurm..

so,esok pg2 nak jd org prtama jmp dentist..huhu~

1 comment:

ell@ said...

sape yang marah cik mimi comel ni...bykkn bersabar ok...^_^