Thursday, November 24, 2011

Aidiladha di CUCMS & BBQ at prof Latiff's

my lecturers were imagine that they want to produce Muslim's drs who are not totally like ulat buku punye they create the silibus in CUCMS, so that we can socialize, involve in activity bersama, and at the same time,strive for excellent in our are small part of it..we had more and more activities together with the lecturers..yeah, we love our lecturers soooo much!!!can wait to become 'somene' like them in the future..insyaAllah...

ske tgk depa melapah 3 ekor lembu!!

prof Latiff pun join the spirit=)

kami wakil gadis2 hanya mampu mnjadi supporter blakang pentas.hehe
with Ust Hasanuddin, the cool ustaz ever..he organized this Aidiladha progmme in our college

juga support tuk kenduri bihun sup daging

the right side is my anesthetist,the calm and charm prof Ikram, 
the left one is Ust Hasanuddin, our Tafseer's teacher

budak laki mkn sup mcm xpenah mkn sup je

kami yg duk hirup sup sedap daging korban

Next is our 'end of posting' celebration. berakhir sudah posting IM yg mencabar dan sgt best ini <3

so,we decided to mkn2 kat umah prof Latiff...mcm2 ada

the girls preparing for BBQ

and the coleslaw was super delicious!!!add the green apple into it

and this is our big group..with prof Latif at the back in her Yellow Bersih's shirt..hehe

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