tajuk je da x tahan..hehe..its not me by the way, its all about my friends...
well,syukur alhamdulillah, last night my classmate aka mohd firdaus da selamat diakadnikah bersama atikah (she's bot from our uni btw)..everyone terkejut tibe2 dia wat pengumuman nak kawen..hehe..tp kiteorg x terkejut sgt sbb da expected he will be married by this year.da nama satu klas kan..well, aside from his parents and family, im the one yg happy sgt2 dia kawen awal..=) many reasons behind his marriage makes me happy, smpaikan when i post 'sedang menyuntik rasa bahagia itu' di fb recently, ramai yg salah anggap dgn perkara tersebut..oh my...rmi plak yg salah teka..isk2..hanya certein ppl je yg tau what's that meaning..the main point is,im really happy=))
well,syukur alhamdulillah, last night my classmate aka mohd firdaus da selamat diakadnikah bersama atikah (she's bot from our uni btw)..everyone terkejut tibe2 dia wat pengumuman nak kawen..hehe..tp kiteorg x terkejut sgt sbb da expected he will be married by this year.da nama satu klas kan..well, aside from his parents and family, im the one yg happy sgt2 dia kawen awal..=) many reasons behind his marriage makes me happy, smpaikan when i post 'sedang menyuntik rasa bahagia itu' di fb recently, ramai yg salah anggap dgn perkara tersebut..oh my...rmi plak yg salah teka..isk2..hanya certein ppl je yg tau what's that meaning..the main point is,im really happy=))
dengan satu lafaz,sah sudah firdaus bergelar suami..yeah,alhamdulillah..one of my friend dulu penah ckp, he used to be a juru akad nikah, but he's not married yet that time..dia plak kene usik,sbb org duk kacau,ustaz tlg akadkan org,ustaz bila lagi?huhu..xtau la la ni da diakad ke blom..
yeah, happy face..mcsha and me..kat mana2 kami pg,sume tanye, korang ni kembar ke?n i replied, xlah, kami adik beradik je..hoho...bukan takat kat spital,kat kenduri akad tu pun ramai org tanye...sama sgt ke muka kiteorg ni?
balik awal pas da akad tuh..singgah kat tasik precint 8, used to be our jog park dulu b4 wujudnye jog park kat precint 9..kat precint 8 ni best, sbb pemandangan dia cantik..ada tasik buatan yg besar, masjid blakang tu yg cantek, byk alat2 mainan and mcm2 lagi..saje singgah nak amik udara mlm,xbrani nak jalan sebab kawasan situ gelap sikit..so,jalan2 bhgn depan je..and took pictures=)
this is one of my best lecturer.. i think she's an internal medicinist, tp kdg2 mcm rheumatoidologist pun ada. super power n cool dr..dr suhaila...marrried with one cute daughter, wife to super cool dr rafizi, an internal medicinist jugak..the great thing bout this 2 favourite lectures are, mereka berdua lah yg byk menagajar kami IM, without charge us anything. dari dulu,mereka berdua mmg intention nak ngajar tu sgt tinggi. they used to be our honoured lecturer, tp x taula,syg sgt kat diaorg ni..now,da masuk sem 9, diaorg akan buat kelas every saturday at 8.30am,for free, without any paying from the uni, and im not going to miss one of his class ever, except kalo de emergency only..diaorg sanggup tinggalkan family,korbankan masa weekend to be with us, so am not going to miss that..moga Allah sahaja mampu membalas jasa mereka berdua,insyaAllah..
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