Tuesday, September 21, 2010

learning issue

salam and a very good day to all readers..(gaya cm ramai je baca blog ni..haha)..pape je lah

ok,today is my 2nd day in KK Bangi, b4 this we were in KK Puchong..same je workload dia, sama je pegi pagi,balik lewat petang (depends on ada lecturer ke x)..and slalunye, in the end of the day, we will gather back and have to have a take home message each and everyone..

today i will like to share my take home message, the one that striking me the most..hoho..

hem, as female medical student, future-wife-and-mother-to-be, and a person, we have to ve some basic knowledge in take care of children..kebanyakan dr has this perception. do not allow your children to use walker forever..bcoz by using walker, ur child will miss some of the developmental criteria that she/he have to master b4 he/she can walk or whatever..act, xde pon conclusive punyer research ckp,if anak u gne walker dia akan lambat buat bende ni, kurang focus or whatever..tp tu la..walker tu boleh membuatkan anak kite miss some of the developmental skills...

next, dr slalunye x galakkan anak gune buaian untuk tidurkan baby. ni pun xde evidence yg konpem kan buaian xleh gn etuk tidokan anak...ehm, tp doctors sependapat buaian ni boleh wat baby dpt 'baby shock syndrome'. maybe dsbbkan oleh buaian yg disentak laju, and boleh sbbkan baby terjatuh dr buaian and sbbkan blood clot kat kpl and dpt pendarahan..bahaya sgt, kematian akhirnye..or cacat part of the body or whatever depends on the condition...

ok , tu je la kot perkongsian ari ni..penat sgt..nak tido sat..

1 comment:

~dek ama~ said...

gud,doc to be~~kak mimi