Tuesday, September 28, 2010

hormone kiok2

this week, what can i say, even today is just day 2, alhamdulillah, im happy with my life..

1. smlm, Tun Dr Asmah, istri Tun Mahathir came to our college and give a talk regarding medical field..she is 80++ (imagine how she can stand for hour and giving us beautiful yet inspiring lecture to us), and she's very adorable...her visit to CUCMS make me happy=)

2. yesterday night, my parents got urgent meeting around KL,so she need my help to look after my youngest sis and bro.of course there's no problem with me!!.Ain baru je abis UPSR, so dia mcm happy sgt..no more lecture from her sisters after this..hehe..
ain 12 years old big girl,luqman hakim 3 years old small handsome boy

we went to Alamanda, just to have fun..bawa akim main playground.main kat funland..main pusing2..know what, akim is a matured little boy. he's very active, yet sume org nak pegang2 dia,nak borak dgn akim..even he likes certain toys very much, he kept saying,'yaya,akem nak train ni,nak lorry tu, nak aeroplane yg ni', but when i said,'ok,kite pgg je..boleh tgk je ok..yaya xde duit,nnt kite bawa baba and ibu,pastu kite beli,ok?'..he just smile,and put the toys back..he's not crying or melalak nak jugak those toys..he~adorable kan?
i love him...
time nak main kuda pusing2 tu,akim ckp,'yaya,cpt masukkan duit,horse nak jalan'..dia da duk sedia atas horse nak main..hehe..then i checked my wallet,no coins,empty syiling..too bad..then i said,'am sorry akem,yaya xde duit syiling'..he just smile, and still laughing when i took his picture..
peace..sayang yaya=)

child developement: 3 years old, da boleh main panjat tali gantung

child development: 3 years old boy boleh pakai kasut sendiri..duduk,and pakai sendiri..can differentiate right and left

moga Allah redha..


dealova said...

i miss my little brother veryyyyyyyyyyy much..
cerdik nyeee adik ayang..
pandai nyeee,dgr je ckp yaya..
tp kat sini, budak kecik 3 org ni kalo x dpt ape yang dyoeg nk mesti melalak..kalo melalak sikit x pe, tp melalak kuat...im always miss my akem..
ayang windu akem..=(

~syamim~ said...

haha...diaorg nye condition lain..ada bibik yg sedia berkhidmat..of course sume mende dpt=)
akem is taking care well by her sisters and parents..who's xde masa sgt nak lain mende remeh2 nih..he's matured..hoho

~dek ama~ said...

waa..akem matured ek.sori la,mnyampuk lak.kak mimi,nice post.nti post lg ek,tp mesti akak sibuk kan:)k ar.slmt bersekolah