Friday, April 15, 2011


penah x time korang tgh nyenyak tido,da masuk REM pun at 1.30 am,suddenly ur housemate woke u up,and told u that,there was a pencuri kat tingkat bawah and 2 of ur friends were kat bawah jugak?
what do u think?

hoho..this is real ok.happen to me last few days, on Monday's night to be exact. i was like,stunning,plus my brain tried to centralized everything, with the other scared-looking-girls were in my bedroom. we have 6 girls in the house,yet 2 of my friends ada kat bawah with the pencuri..i didnt think to scream or what not, but my heart was like,'my friend kat bwh dgn pencuri????penjenayah???perogol???or so whatever, pounding heart and i feel thirsty suddenly kecut perut,lemah semangat,sume lengkap...then,my friend locked us in my room,since only my room can be locked from inside.

i just grab my handphone,and for the first time ever in my life,i called policeman around 1.45am. 999,dia suh bg alamat umah,and talian terus sambung ke polis putrajaya..suara ketaq alamat umah mcm kelibut,btau kat polis tu,ada org masuk umah kitaorg!hoho..tragik sungguh!xkan ku lupakan detik itu..

area 2am, my 2 friends yg ktorg pk ada kat bawah bersama pencurik or penjenayah tu, ketuk pintu bilik saya yg ada 4 girls nih.waaaa!!!!!i nak bukak pintu, but then,the other friends x bagi,suh senyap,pgg penyapu and hanger (all in dark), not let us out, takut penjenayah tu tgh acu pistol or pisau kat kwn ktorg kat lua. takut ktorg plak jadi tebusan kan..mula2 tu,kawan yg kat luar bilik ketuk pelan2 je,maybe x nak bg kejut..pastu,diaorg ketuk kuat gle..hoho..bertambah2 la sume kwn2 dlm bilik ni x bg bukak pintu..

few minutes later,kiteorg ber4 masih kat bilik bergelap lg ni,tbe2 dikejutkan dgn bunyik hp..yeah, abg polis call, btau polis putra da smpai..ketaq lagi suara cek ni ckp kat tepon..kiteorg nak konpem abg polis smpai,baru ktorg bkk 1st la kan?

alhamdulillah, ktorg yg masih berbaju tidur ni grab je pape yg ptut in my room ni,tutup aurat sume,turun jmp polis and when i saw my 2 friends kat bawah,still alive tp mke cuak gle,i felt relieve..i hug them, and syukur nothing happen to them.

the real story is mcm ni..ain yg duk bilik single kat bawah,tetibe terjaga , bila gitar dia kene petik and bergerak dr tmpat asal ke tingkap..mle2 dia wat x bila 2x plak gitar tu bunyik,dia cuak laaa.nmpak plak ada tangan masuk celah tingkap tu.huaa..dia terus bangun tido,bukak lampu,and naik atas tuk panggil mcsha teman dia turun..waktu nak turun tu,bilik dia jadik gelap,meaning ada org tutup lampu tu..and at the same time,rusha yg mang da terjaga panggil diaorg yg kat bwh ni,x nyahut,tu yg dia pk,pencuri da masuk umah..she woke up ros and ainhalim and they enter and lock into my room..

itu je cte tragik kami mlm tu..debar,mang debar la..

the policeman was like a spiderman, panjat umah ktorg and took the keys from us kat tingkap tingkat atas, and dia bkk pintu dr bawah..bila kitotrg kua bilik je,rmi gle polis kat pak cik jiran2 yg berkerumun dpn umah..well,police mmg cekap la.ktorg x dgr pun bunyik motor diaorg smpai,dan2 je byk gle motor dpn umah..

and lastly,diaorg dpt tangkap the person yg duk intai umah ktorg ni..jiran selang sebuah umah, mang umah tu sume pekerja restoran mat bangla indon foreigner sume lengkap la duk situ..person yg kene tangkap ni pakai selipar lain2,and dia menyrok kat restoran dia keje tu kat dpn umah sana..tu yg highly suspicious tu..

well,tu la pengalaman ngeri kami for the 2nd time duk putra ni..1st time dulu, laptop rusha kene curi dr dlm umah,but then x tahu sape and cmne pencuri tu masuk umah..

sejak mlm tu,i cant really sleep well.mlm2 je terjaga pk panjang,tido balik..

Ya Allah,kau selamatkanlah keselamtanku dan sahabat2 ku walau dimana mereka berada..amin..


zura said...

ameenn ya rabb! ya allah mimi cuak giler kot! alhamdulillah, good to know that you & your friends were safe! be extra careful k?

~syamim~ said...

tq zura..u too!!duk mesir sana leklok k..extra careful 1st..mintak pertolongan doa banyak2 kat Allah