Wednesday, April 06, 2011


today is the second day my-luvly-handsome-god-lil-bro aka luqman hakim had fever..
semalam dia x gi smart reader, sbb x larat nak bangun and dmam skali, and this morning when i called luqman at home, he said, 'yaya,akim pening rini. akim x leh gi school.ti akim makan ubat.'
adik i sorang ni baru umo 4 thn, 4 thn ok! pandai bg alasan..hoho..ikut perangai abg sulung.erk?hehe

well,dia mmg btol2 have fever, lethargy, cough and treatment is stay at home.

ni dia nak tunjuk 'cap' dia buat kat smart reader a day before demam = sunday

 kedua2 pic ini hanya lakonan semata2,selepas yaya berjanji tuk bagi ruler upin ipin and colour pencil hanya selepas dia bersolat.bijak2..nak present punye pasal,terkumat kamit mulut dia..nak gigit ok!! 

doakan adik sy sorang ni cepat sembuh. well, i know his condition. towards his future life, dia akan selalu kene infection and stuff.immune x kuat sgt, xdpt breastfeeding yg cukup..huhu..moga Allah merahmati adik yg sy sayang ni, and jaga dia elok2..moga luqman hakim jadi org yg soleh bila besar nanti!!!luv u!!


Anonymous said...

my neph ,raziq pun same kot..tak brapa bgi breastfeed..sbb akak kna ape tah kt dianya tu..huhu..rasa2 dri kcik minum susu tepung je..hoho

~syamim~ said...

bg minum susu tpg waktu kecik,bila besar,mang besaq la..hehe

Anonymous said...

heh..mane ade besaqnye..keding je..hyperaktiv gak kot..haha..pasal sakit tu..hemm..xbrapa nak kena la dmam ape sume..tpi kalo kna agak terok la..hoho.