Tuesday, June 19, 2012

father's day

usually we sibling didn't really celebrate father's day..
becasue why?
we also dunno...hehe

so,2 days ago, 17 jun 2012 aka Sunday, i asked help from my parents to clear up my things in my house in Putrajaya..kan kiteorg da nak abes skola kat sini, so kene la pindahkan barang before 30 Jun..disebabkan sy duk umah ni mcm princess segala kelengkapan cukup, bayangkan aje, my room has a single comfy bed, with big cupboard and a big study table and small lappy table, as my parents nak anak dia cukup segala keperluan..is there anything to repay back what's ur parents done to u? no..only Allah can balas them with jannah insyaAllah..

so, they came over at 3pm and by that time, i already kemas2 brg tinggal nak masuk kete je..and baba betulkan pintu toilet da rosak proceed with bukak almari tu and bukak meja and lastly bukak katill...hukz,sedih sbab katil best da kene bawak balik sban..wa!!!!

and mother offer me to go home to ambil balik tilam yg ringan sikit tuk pki bbrp kat sini je..pk nye pk,i agreed tgk baba mcm letih je pas bukak2 sume brg kan...and truly pun,i offered baba to drive initially, tp baba xmoh.hehe..tp smpi cyberjaya je,baba stop the car tepi highway and asked me to drive..few minutes later, baba snoring at the back..<___>

well, yeah, janji nak balik putrajaya early monday morning, tp angan2 tinggal angan2 sahaja..haha..i went to giant ampangan as Farah our workers pun da benti sbb nak masuk belaja, so xde sape jaga boutique..so, i brought my books and alhamdulillah, sempat la buat notes for paeds cases..konon2 nak balik tgh harirasa mls..and at last, paksa jugak balik after asar..huhu..

and me drive again, and baba snoring at the back and mother and me borak2 mmg best..hihi

k,really appreciate my parents..hope Allah jaga mereka sebagaimana mereka menjaga kami adik beradik dr ekcik smpai besar gajah ni...amin...

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