Thursday, May 17, 2012

it's o&g!!

let us rock!!!
it's our o&g posting and it's our last posting as a student..*-*cuak

well,what can i say about our 1st day in o&g posting?i just can laugh..haha..i ponteng briefing class!!!and the prof  mengamuk mcm nak makan org..hihi
well the truth is im really tired..we just finishing our medical posting, and during weekend my sister and i with few friends did our part-time job at mid valley..kak ina (my boss) called me to handle her booth as before this dia mmg percaya kat daku yg baik hati and peramah ini,it's fine to me, rm350 for 3 days..sape nak bagi kan?

so,puas punye fikir, the only reason i can ponteng from the one-hour-boring-briefing o&g class on MONDAY morning is to meet the handsome and very kind army dentist ho-yeah~haha...actually i had to do follow up the week before,tp disebabkan posting medical yg mcm huru hara tu, xdapat nak balik sban and meet the,dapat la mc on that day..make me safe for awhile..

so,after meet the dentist, he identify my upper teeth ada lobang so,dia tampalkan..sgt cepat & pantas ok..and he made x-ray at my lower teeth at the root canal treatment tu,kot2 ada infection ke, so,it's ok normal no problem..alhamdulillah..and after that,mak teh called asked ibu if we can join them visiting abg abil and his wife..i wasss sooooo excited to meet them!ye la,sblm ni baca dlm blog je meeting my mak teh and family,just came back for good from london..alhamdulillah everyone was healthy especially makteh yg sedang preggy..G5 P4..hihi..hebat2...

sempat jugak singgah kedai Bata and bli kasut sbab on sale, buy one pair and the second shoes is just rm5-..sape xnak beb....ibu sepasang,mine sepasang..comey=))

sempat jugak singgah kedai bli glow in the dark nak bg kak gee,sbb abg abil nak cat and put on some glow in the dark to stimulate the's kind of good and creative u know..oh, wish to have a husband like abg abel..really care and loyal to his the only wife yg sedang sakit, and sgt pembersih and sgt pembersih lg..mana nak jmp lelaki pembersih plus caring terlebih skrg ni...
amin2,moga dimudahkan..

and i called my housemate+groupmate= ain,update la pape yg patut kan..da xdtg klas briefing pg td..hihi..and she said, better we update our patient asap as prof will do round sesuka hati dia bila2 masa on Tuesday..sume ptn WAJIB clerk except yg warded after 7.30am..meaning,clerk je la ur patient on ur bed..or else,ur dead..

so,dgn pantasnye, i went back to Putrajaya after had dinner with my big family..baba anta smpai komuter serdang (kete park sempoi2 je tepi jln),jeles sebenarnye sbb nak join depa gi Chow Kit road, melayan makteh nak mkn buah2 tempatan..yeah,u can find everything at Chow Kit xpe,dsbabkan prof kesayangan sy tu,sy turutkan jua clerking ptn mlm2 tu..luckily ada 3 is intrauterine death (IUD), normal vaginal delivery (VSD) and another one is essential hypertensive..sedih gle la plak stat o&g dpt case IUD =(
and the patient is still in the ward waiting to deliver the dead baby normally..she refused to be clerking of course..

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