Saturday, June 04, 2011


Alhamdulillah,finally im home!!im home, i mean im in my lovely house at Sban..ho yehh...

i waited for 2 hours from 12pm to 2pm in the Kuwait Airways office,in front of the manager waiting for my ticket which he didnt prepared yet for me..i mean,since last week,he already booked my seat on Thursday 2nd June,yet when i came and wanna claim my ticket at the airport, he simply said,there is a problem, and bla2 in Arabi..konpem la i xpahammmmm....aish..(mula2 da pk,perhaps ive to stay longer in mesir AGAIN,and my head da plan nak buat mcm2 lagi)

At 1.45 pm,he send the fax to the ibu pejabat Kuwait (oh my Allah,lagi 15min check in close,dia baru nak fax???)to reply whether or not they have empty seat from Kuwait to,mksudnye,sejak sy duk depan dia kul 12 tu,he just make some calls to bla2 only..hukz..rasa mcm pe je kan...muka cm boleh relax lagi..wani da kol byk kali tanya status flight sy tuh..harapan nak balik mcm 40% je dari gaya dia buat kerja mcmtu..da puluh org masuk keluar office tu sume settle problem,sy je masih sangkut lagi..

i looked at my watch (oh,da 5 tahun sy gne jam comel sy ni),its already 1.58pm..and tibe2 i cried..i feel sad..dlm pale da terbyg sume family yg tggu kat Msia.rindu woo...sobz.walaupun da pujuk hati,kalo kene tggal Mesir lg,sy nak pi clinic andrology and tgk male infertily lagi,and sy nak sopping jubah lagi,and mkn khusayiri kali ke 2,and byk plan nak wat....but then,Alhamdulillah, at 2pm,i mean at 2,baru dia dpt call from Kuwait kata ada seat available tuk sy...hukz..and sy pun smbung la nangis sbb dpt seat..haha..

and i said to the manager,u have to make sure im in the flight bcz the check in counter already close and sy xnak jadik mcm minggu lps,hanya lewat 5 minit,sorang pun xde kat kaunter nak tlg sy..alhamdullilah,i feel relieve,im going home!!!

dgn pantas sy grab all my bags and salam dgn 2 friends yg baik hati tggu smpai settle problem sy nih (tq Aishah and Raja)..and xdilupakan musyrif yg baik hati jgak,sian dia,da mcm dpt morning sickness kot,nak muntah2 da dia..ingtkan nak bg ubat pcm and anti-emetics, tp x sempat sbb nak masuk cpat nye pasal..tlg smpaikan kat Arif tu ye sape2 yg baca post ni..hihi..

and know what,sy sangkut time nak screen bag!!!argh!!sbb sy bawa balik pilll barakah..isk,org bw balik sikit je,tuk kegunaan sendiri and family..and yet,the man yg jaga kaunter x puas hati,and he didnt speak english,marah2 suh sy bukak and punggah beg..i was like,sy da lambat ok!!!punya lah kalut,and manager kuwait tu keluar dr kaunter and suh lepaskan je sy..and i yelled at him, 'u mess up my beg!!'and i was crying!!tensin nye..mmg sungguh bersepah da jubah2 comel sy da susun sikit punye cantik,and jubah babah pun da komot x comey,and dgn geramnye pun,sy ikat sume,zip beg terus gi kaunter timbang..hukz..tet,25 kg!hihi..lebih kilo cik mungkin sbb air mata ni masih leleh, cik puan comel yg jaga kaunter tu,ask me to relax and she gimme tissue, and calm me down..everything settle..dia masukkan je bag sy..kalo sy tau beg bole lepas mnggunakan teknik menangis ni,sy bw je lagi satu kotak yg lebih kurang 15 kg kat umah wani tu..haha (xpe,hosmate dia nnt tlg bw kan balik next week)

and time kat imigresen,alhamsulillah,lepas jugak..i ve made my visa..Alhamdulillah..kalo la x buat visa last minute ritu,mau sangkut lagi kat epot nih..isk2..wani,pani sila berjaga2 ye..i xnak risiko..hihi..mau meraung terus kat epot tu..haha

and while waiting kat waiting room,wani called and i told her everything..gelak je minah tu dgr crite kelibut sy ni..i triedd to called Zura,asked her to call me back,tp x dpt kot..hang tido ka Zura?hihi...

well,everything settle!!im here in my house...sgt happy jumpa family semula,and lagi2 happy when ibu,baba,nana suka sgt dgn jubah yg sy belikan..hihi...plan to make a business jubah..what say u?

few minutes before left Mansoura~with the gurls in the house!!

kat Mesir ni ada Gen 2=)bangga x org Msia?

transit at Kuwait friends,all ustazah from UKM

lanngar awan tebal je,terus gegar..fenin..cantek la tapi view

ibu sgt suka dgn jubah baru from Mesir,terus pakai gi kenduri..hihi


Azura Yasin said...

mimiiii i didn't get your call at all! tak tido laaa hahahah (tak ingat lol) tp serius tak dapat pape pun. in fact i did try to call you at 9 am mcm tu but no answer :( malam tu call lg tp since call dah tak masuk, maka saya pun tahu yg awak dah selamat terbang heheheh

alhamdulillah glad that you've safely landed! home sweet homeee :D

suka la tu sbb sume org suka jubah dia!hahah ieee rugi tak dapat tgk awak nangissss :P

Anonymous said...

Kak mimi,slmt sampai,hehe..mmg slalu bnda2 tu jd kat studnt msia kat mesir ni..

Ap2 pon u hve expensive experience here,I glad to here that..

Hehe..sori klu xkena bicara,nti dtg lg..;)

Doakn kami~najah exam,esteqqama here

ibu said...

sayang anak ibuuu...suka sgt2 jubah yg exclusive tuuu...siap pakai 3 majlis serentakkk....

mungkin dsebabkn tersangat santikk, sewaktu salin jubah tu kat surau petronas...tertinggal kat situ..terus disambar mat bangla (kot)....carik2 tak jumpa....

cammanapunnnn...thanx very2 much make me happy ever and ever... syukur alhamdulilh anak ibu selamat kembali pd Ibumu...babamu..kluargamu..

Doa ibu sentiasa mengiringimu..