Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Opthalmology and Anesthesia

yup,both of the tittle are my 2 new posting..combined together and packed into one month duration.after the exam last 3 weeks, and a week of holiday, im ready to face the new posting,new lecturers,new patient with new presentation..

currently in week 2 of posting. why week 2?sbb week 1 pack sangat smpai x sempat nak tulis apa2 pun..dlm fikiran de byk mende nak tulis,the excitements and sadness and tiredness and everything, tp bila smpai umah je,x larat nak tulis pape..huhu

anest posting sgt best.,hari2 masuk a result,i got flu and cough and sore throat and fever..sejuk nye dlm bilik OT tuh..(ni je kot alasan sy kene mkn ubat mengantuk ni,smpai ward round leh terlelap skjp)..nak observe case from the beginning,of course kene dtg awal.the anesthesiologist is the main person in the OT.kalo xde anest,surgeon or O&Gs or cardio ke,sume x pat keje,anest has the high priority to see the bius dulu,baru all the procedure leh jalan..

the main thing paling best dlm anest ni,slain dpt intubate patient,bg GA or LA,we can see various cases in the OT.time posting O&G dulu,xpat pon tgk bilateral salphingo-oophorectomy,tubal ligation and all that..time ortho dulu,xpat pon tgk hemiarthroplasty..skang ni,wah!!
time anest la kite leh tgk mcm2.hehe..best2..

and dpt masuk ICU..ICU ni untuk critical my friend and i were in the ICU for the whole day.blaja sal ventilator,ABG and uses,interpretation and bed,one nurse..sbb patient ICU ni special..need more intention.da nama pun intensive care unit kan..and all the nurses,MO's and specialist are very 10x kind and helpful to us!!alhamdulillah...
td,mintak tlg sorg MO ni aja ventilator,dia dgn senang hati nya duk lukis2 tuk,cara nak tackle hati mereka,kite kene buat baik salam,senyum,sapa,and tanye.hehe

paling sedih skali,dlm ICU ni (today),ada 2 paeds is 11 month old,the another one is 9 month old..god....kecik ok baby tu..lung failure,respi distress,mcm2 la..dysmorphic lagi..dude,sedih sgt tgk muka baby cm x larat nak bukak mata and pandang org kuyu je..time nurse tu tgh susun drugs nak bg paeds ni,i was like,sume2 ni ke nurse??byk sgttttttt ubat diaorg kene amik..i mean,ye la,bg IV je..diaorg x kunyah pun..but still,huge amount of drugs?

my friend said,'mimi,i don't want to get pregnant.i takot anak i jadik mcm tu..hukz2...nanti kalo anak i da bsr,i x tau dia jadik pe..penagih dadah skrg pon xtau diaorg akan jd penagih bila da bsr'..i was like,hem,aish..xbaik la ckp cmtu..emo pulak bila tgk patient presented with this kind of disease..

well,when i told mft about my friend,he said, we have to be lucky and bersyukur,coz ada org yang keadaanya kurang bernasib baik dari kita..act,banyak lagi pengajaranya bila kite tgk dr aspek yg positif..if kite tgk dr negative side,sure the thing will be negative..kan2?

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