Sunday, May 27, 2012

labor room

1st day in labour room, i was having tremor despite all of the exciting rushing in my veins and arteries..i know ill be super excited watching all the small khalifah being delivered in the labour room...

well yeah, u have all the good news and bad news also..on my 1st day of menjejak kaki di labour room yg super sejuk itu, i almost cried when a baby was safely delivered with the kepayahan sang ibu cube meneran dengan sepenuh tenaga..i think i almost cry when all mothers delivered their loved once.every time i watched all the ladies delivered their babies, i remembered my luvly she delivered me yeah?know what im the heaviest baby among my siblings.haha..3.67kg, who can beat my bobop body?should be very hard,isnt it?

the most funny thing is when there is a husband of this one patient was really excited to get his 5th children. while the isteri was having regular abdominal contraction sambil berselawat and said Allah almost the time dengan kuat, the husband was mundar mandir kat luar bilik while the dr check jalan b4 deliver..and as u know,bila da banyak kali delivered, Allah mudahkan ibu2 ni nak bersalin..and so when the dr said,ok encik husband boleh masuk!baby da nak keluar! and suddenly mcm kuda bergerak dgn pantasnye dia terjah masuk bilik bersalin tu and terus ckp, "ibu,push ibu!!push!!and he was like a doctor plak nak sambut baby dia..seriuosly nmpk kelam kelakar ok bila dia terjah masuk mcm org main lumba lari..

staying in putrajaya make u always see all new couples yg baru berkahwin and waiting for their 1st child..yeah, 1st child is quite hard to deliver..there is one ibu was having regular contraction and ready to deliver the baby. she was like really afraid, despite her husband is there beside her and holding her firmly. she always said,'abg,saket abg,xmau,xmau'..and she was crying!!really in pain,pain she never experienced before. and the husband was quite cool and said,"adik,kuat adik!sikit lagi da nampak rambut tu"..and he didn't speak much...after 20  minutes trying to push but seems didn't really effective, the dr decide to use vacuum.and alhamdulillah, the baby boy weigh 3.5kg (still cannot beat me), safely delivered...ingat senang ke nak bersalin?

yeah,most husband didn't really speak while holding his wife..1st experienced i guess. muka masing2 pun cuak..hehe..comel ok..seriously u should watch all husband yg nak dpt anak pertama..some of them just stare, ada yg holding the wife's head je, ada yg usap2 bahu je, yg penting, yeah, they also scared bila tgk wife masing muka merah padam ada yg menangis and stuff...amazing experienced isn't it?

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