Saturday, March 19, 2011

mental illness

m&ms and mental it related?
no evidence base medicine, so i cant talk more...heh

but for me,yeah..for time being, m&ms taste bitter,no more sweetness from it. sepatutnya, m&ms will give u happiness,release from tense, bahagia and sort of.. chocolate kan?sape x suka coklat sila jgn baca..sbb sy suka choclate,and now,i have to @ must change my fav choc..will think about it..ingat senang ke nak tukar selera?mcm tukar baju?hoh...kalo my sis (one of my sis),mmg ssh tkar baju,sbb dia x tau nak match apa dgn apa..da siap pakai sume,leh tukar baju balik,sbb dia rs x sesuai la,last minute nye keje kan...itu dia la..nak wat cmne...

but me?hem,im simple..senang je nak pki pape,match in everything..but its not the same like u change ur fav 'choc'..

ok,done la dgn perkara merepek di atas..mereka x faham pun perasaan saya...kite turutkan saje ok?

talk about mental illness,psy posting yg sy sedang jalani skrg,hem,i think i would like to classify my self as a not major depression our practice, we would follow ICD 10 or DMV 4..and for managemnet, CPG msia is the one la..bcz i can still cope with my problem,insyaAllah,i will not classify myself eventhough in this one week time, my frens often asked me,why u look sad?why u r crying?y u dont want to join us in bla bal bla?y u look different?

there is a man,in the ward,baru je dimasukkan sbb MDD..major depressive disorder..tense dgn parent's problem,putus tunang lagi,stress from the ppl around him in the mass, and problem dgn kerja2 askar yg berat..(yeah,my ptn are ALL soldier,posting kat terendak kan),almost all ptn had the same thing,same problem..rmi x leh cope dgn kerja askar yg berat ditambah dgn personal,dsbbkan xleh cope ni,dpt la diagnosis MDD , or adjustment disorder ubtuk mmbantu para askar nih..hem,ptn ni agak unik..sbb,i think he likes my name..every day,he ll find me,call my name,dr Mimi!!oh my...he will ask the juniors or my frens around and ask about me..that's scary rite?since then, i xnaik ward lagi..takot derrr...luckily,next week,we are going to HKL and i bet psy ptn kat sana lagi menarik..haha

and ada lagi sorg ptn ni, MDD sbb tension dgn istri yg sblm ni nak mintak cerai dgn dia..sedih gle dgr cte abg askar ni..badan big size,tp hati dia,so small..he loves his wife soooo much,really!!!kalo la istri dia dpt tgk cmne dia cte kat kiteorg ni yg dia mmg syg gle kat wife dia tu,konpem istri dia malu wat kes diaorg naik mahkamah...

byk mende sy blaja from my patient kan?not only about psy, but also the real world out there..each ptn came with different stories, stories yg give u an idea on how to see ur life..

from them,i feel scared to see the 'marriage' part. marital problem is the most highest problem face by ppl..tortured ur mind,effect ur work,effect ur mood,feeling and marriage life,the most crucial part is between the 1st to 5th year of marriage..once u can hold ur spouse firmly between this period of time,insyaAllah, u can hold ur spouse for ever, exclude all the third party yg feel jealous with ur marriage or so whatever..

hem,whatever pun,pray for me ya.. hopefully i can face my life after this with bright and big heart..


Anonymous said...

1st-5th year? Really..any fact about this? hik2..

~syamim~ said...

gi tgk nona..and i think u shud read more books and search bout it..mst ada.hehe

Anonymous said...

oooo..malah eh nok tgok nona..jarang da tgok tv..hihi..which book yg nak kna baca tu?hek3:p